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Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed,
handling accurately the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15).


Course Descriptions

MONDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) Systematic Theology in the Gospels – the Foundation of Our Faith – Paul Buono

Systematic theology is a discipline of Christian theology that formulates an orderly, rational, and coherent account of the Christian faith and beliefs. Oftentimes, we look to the epistles in the New Testament to teach us these truths. What we often forget is that the very foundation of our beliefs are rooted in the teachings of Jesus Himself in the gospels. If we do not understand what Jesus says about theology, then it would be like building a house without a foundation on it. What we soon find is that the teachings on theology that Paul, Peter, John, and the others give us in the epistles are really a further elaboration on the core teaching of Christ. So, Jesus lays the foundation of theology and the Apostles built the house upon that truth. We will we exploring and discussing what Jesus taught on these 9 branches of Systematic Theology: Bibliology – the study of the Bible, Theology Proper – the study of the doctrine of God, Christology – the study of Jesus, Pneumatology – the study of the Holy Spirit, Anthropology – the study of humanity, Soteriology – the study of Salvation, Ecclesiology – the study of the Church, Eschatology – the study of last things or end times, Angelology – the study of the angelic beings. Please join us!

MONDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) Character Development – Motivational Gifts – Bob Carter

God has created you a unique person who can accomplish things no one else on earth can. When you find out how to tap into the hidden power of your spiritual gifts you will become a world-changer–and a happier and more fulfilled person. This class will present gifts in a new and more powerful way than you’ve ever heard before. Come and be changed and empowered for life!

Character Development is a series of courses on the most important quality of a Christian: Christlike character. It’s the very opposite of the hypocrisy Jesus condemned in the religious leaders of His day. God wants us to walk in victory and become like His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). Learning all about the Lord and the Bible is great. Learning to minister in power is wonderful. But if we do not develop His character we will eventually get shot down by the world, the flesh, or the devil. God has definite steps to achieve victory in each area of our lives and the twelve Character Development courses are where you’ll learn them.

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TUESDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) How to Defend Your Faith – Clement Muwele

Peter says to sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you. (1 Pet. 3:15a). Yet we have all been “nailed” at times by articulate atheists or crafty cultists who frame their unbelieving questions in such a way that we’re at a loss as to how to answer. This course will prepare you for battle, for the typical, hackneyed arguments and baffling conundrums that will come your way from unbelievers. Your confidence will grow as you gain clear, concise answers to such questions, and the skill to guide the adversary to faith in Christ.

TUESDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) The Apostle Paul, Prayer and Spiritual Warfare – Sam Cerny

As he faced profound spiritual opposition, Paul appealed to the church, “Join me in my struggle by praying to God for me,” (Rom. 15:30) and this appeal is as relevant today as it was then. If the church is going to evangelize the nations and see justice established on the earth, then she must return to the prevailing prayer that Paul exemplified in his epistles. She must recover the fierce faith of Paul’s frontal attacks against the forces of darkness that kept souls bound in the most desperate spiritual and physical captivity. She must return to a wrestling and throwing down of spiritual adversaries in the hardest, darkest places of the planet. In the Pauline epistles we find a blueprint for the house of prayer that Jesus is building, a house that will contend against every other house that seeks to exalt itself above the lordship and supremacy of Christ. In this class we will study the teachings, theological foundations and practical applications of prayer and spiritual warfare found in Paul’s letters.

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WEDNESDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) Peter, the Amazing Disciple – Tracy & Terry Totten

Peter is a living and breathing example of how to mature in Christ. His process of transformation from Fisherman to an Effective Leader and Scholar should encourage every believer. Growing in your relationship with Christ and maturing in your faith is God’s will for all of us. As we partner with the Holy Spirit, our pathway to this maturity brings the abundant life we are called to live.

WEDNESDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) The Word of God as Your Shield & Arrows of the Spirit – Billy Roe

In this class you will go on an exciting, Spirit-led journey back to the original meaning of Exodus using the inductive Bible study method. You will also learn from other students as we all share insights together. We’ll see what the commentaries have to say. And everything will be applicable to your life today. Your daily time with the Lord, your “quiet time,” will come alive as you experience God’s presence, His plan, His promise, and His words to you. This is not primarily an academic class with lots of papers, tests, etc., but rather a personal awakening to God speaking with you from His Word by His Spirit in a way you never dreamed possible before, as you experience His love, His guidance and His direction. Come and join this exciting journey.

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Saturday Seminar – To be announced

A one-day seminar on a Saturday, 10AM–4PM. Date and topic to be announced.

Evangelism – Faculty (2 units)

The word “evangelism” means taking the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ to other people. Jesus came to preach the gospel to the poor, and He is still doing that today through us, because we are His body (1 Corinthians 12:27). How do we learn to evangelize? Mainly by doing it. This is a “field experience” course, which involves witnessing for at least one and a half hours a week, turning in weekly lists of the people witnessed to, reading a missionary book (supplied) and writing five pages of notes on it.

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