Enrollment • Inscripción


Fall Quarter • September 23 – December 6, 2024

ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS – To enroll click on “Full Credit” or “Audit Only”* for each course you would like to take. Your selections will appear to the right. You may take as many courses as you would like. After you complete your selections click the “Checkout” button at the bottom of your selected course list. To remove a course from your selected courses click on the red X on the course you want to remove.

(*Auditing means you can register for and attend the course without any requirements. No university credit is earned.)

ONLINE CLASSES: If you live within 20 miles of the campus, we encourage you to attend classes in person. For those who cannot attend in person, please note that any registrations for online classes made after 4:00pm daily will be processed the next business day. If you registered after 4:00pm, you will have access to the class(es) the next business day. Classes will not be recorded. 

For security reasons, we will adhere to an attendance sheet per class when admitting students into the Zoom classes. Please make sure you are on the attendance sheet by registering as soon as possible. Students who do not have their camera on during class will be marked absent.


Trimestre de Otoño • 23 de septiembre – 6 de diciembre, 2024

INSTRUCCIONES EN ESPAÑOL – Para inscribirse, haga clic en “Crédito” o “Oyente”* para cada curso que desee tomar. Sus selecciones aparecerán a la derecha. Puede tomar tantos cursos como quiera. Después de completar sus selecciones, haga clic en el botón “Checkout” en la parte inferior de la lista de cursos seleccionados. Para eliminar un curso de los cursos seleccionados, haga clic en la X roja en el curso que desea eliminar.

(Ser “Oyente” quiere decir que puedes registrarse y atender el curso sin ningún requisito. No se obtendrá crédito universitario.)

CLASES EN LINEA: Si vive dentro de las 20 millas del campus, le recomendamos que asista a clases en persona. Para los que no pueden asistir en persona, tenga en cuenta que todos los registros por cursos en linea que se realicen después de las 4:00 p.m. se procesarán el siguiente día hábil. Asi que si se inscribió en una(s) clase(s) después de las 4 pm, tendrá acceso a la(s) clase(s) el próximo día hábil. Clases no serán grabadas.

Por razones de seguridad, nos adheriremos a una hoja de asistencia por clase al admitir estudiantes en las clases de Zoom.  Por favor asegúrese de estar en la hoja de asistencia registrándose lo antes posible. Los estudiantes que no tengan la cámara encendida durante la clase serán marcados ausentes.


Monday / Lunes 6:40 – 8:10 pm

To be announced – Paul Buono – 2 units – (English)
Full Credit | Audit Only |
See Course Description

Desarrollo del Carácter – I – Marvin Barrera – 2 unidades – (Español)
Crédito | Oyente | Vea Descripción del Curso

Monday / Lunes 8:30 – 10:00 pm

Character Development – Fulfilling Your Calling In Life – Bob Carter – 2 units – (English)
Full Credit | Audit Only |
See Course Description

Se anunciará – Luis Lemus – 2 unidades – (Español)
Crédito | Oyente |
Vea Descripción del Curso


Tuesday / Martes 6:40 – 8:10 pm

Paul’s Epistle to the Romans – Jay Fowler – 2 units – (English)
Full Credit | Audit Only |
See Course Description

Se anunciará – Moisés Lecca – 2 unidades – (Español)
Crédito | Oyente |
Vea Descripción del Curso

Tuesday / Martes 8:30 – 10:00 pm

To be announced -Sue & Rick Clark – 2 units – (English)
Full Credit | Audit Only |
See Course Description

Se anunciará – José Francia – 2 unidades – (Español)
Crédito | Oyente |
Vea Descripción del Curso


Wednesday / Miércoles 6:40 – 8:10 pm

Introduction to Christian Theology-III – Edward Dalcour – 2 units – (English)
Full Credit | Audit Only |
See Course Description

Se anunciará – Domingo Hernandez – 2 unidades – (Español)
Crédito | Oyente |
Vea Descripción del Curso

Wednesday / Miércoles 8:30 – 10:00 pm

To be announced – Steve Krantz & Mike Raneses  – 2 units – (English)
Full Credit | Audit Only |
See Course Description

Se anunciará – Ricardo González – 2 unidades – (Español)
Crédito | Oyente |
Vea Descripción del Curso


Saturday Seminars (One Saturday, – – , 9:00 am – 3:00 pm)

To be announced – – – Date to be announced,  – 2 units – (English)
Full Credit | Audit Only |
See Course Description

Seminario de sábado (Un Sábado, — , 9:00 am – 3:00 pm)

¿Dios, Me Estas Llamando? – Rev. Jimmy Madrid – sábado, 16 de noviembre – 2 unidades – (Español)
Crédito | Oyente |
Vea Descripción del Curso


Evangelism / Evangelismo

ANY DAY – Evangelism – Field Experience – (English)
Full Credit | Audit Only |
See Course Description

CUALQUIER DÍA – Evangelismo – (Español)
Crédito | Oyente |
Vea Descripción del Curso


Course Descriptions

MONDAY (6:40- 8:10 pm) To be announced (2 units)


(Online option for long-distance students)

To be announced

MONDAY (8:30–10:00 pm) Character Development – Fulfilling Your Calling In Life (2 units)


(Online option for long-distance students)

You were created for a purpose, no matter what the circumstances of your birth were. God placed you on the stage of history to accomplish something important in this world, better than anyone else can. You are a necessary part of the great drama of the ages. And everything about your birth and life that was beyond your control was allowed by God to prepare you for success in that calling. You will do greater things than you imagine.

Satan did not want to fulfill God’s call on his life. He wanted to be like God (Isaiah 14:12-16). He tempted Eve not to accept her God-given place, but to want more, and to be like God (Genesis 3:5). Adam followed her in disobedience. And the devil will tempt you to decide for yourself what you will do in life—to be your own god—rather than finding and fulfilling God’s call on your life. Like Adam and Eve, the choice is yours and the consequences huge. But if you find and fulfill God’s call you will find the joy and meaning you have been looking for.

Character Development is a series of courses on the most important quality of a Christian – Christlike character. It’s the very opposite of the hypocrisy Jesus condemned in the religious leaders of His day. God wants us to walk in victory and become like His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). Learning all about the Lord and the Bible is great. Learning to minister in power is wonderful. But if we do not develop His character we will eventually get shot down by the world, the flesh, or the devil. God has definite steps to achieve victory in each area of our lives and the twelve Character Development courses are where you’ll learn them.

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Tuesday (6:40 – 8:10 pm) Paul’s Epistles to the Romans (2 units)

(Online Only Course)

 We all want to know who we are, what life is all about, and why we were created. As human beings we long to understand our purpose and the real meaning of life. And we can find this good news and much more in the amazing Book of Romans.

Romans, Paul’s greatest work, is placed first among his thirteen epistles in the New Testament. While the four gospels present the words and works of Jesus Christ, Romans explores the significance of His sacrificial death. Using a question-and-answer format, Paul records the most systematic presentation of doctrine in the Bible. But Romans is more than a book of theology; it is also a book of practical application. The good news of Jesus Christ is more than facts to be believed; it is also a life to be lived—a life of righteousness befitting the person “justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:24).

Come learn about the free gift that God has given us and the supernatural power God has given us through His Son which produces a triumphant, purposeful, and everlasting life for those who believe.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes . . . For if by one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One Jesus Christ” (Rom. 1:16,17; 5:17).

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TUESDAY (8:30- 10:00 pm) To be announced (2 units)

(Online Only Course)

WEDNESDAY (6:40 – 8:10 pm) Introduction to Christian Theology-III (2 units)


(Online option for long-distance students)

Without correct theology on essential issues, evangelism and personal faith will be empty, incomplete, and inadequate. Jesus said those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and Truth. In fact, every false teaching starts with a false view of God and thus, a defective view of the gospel.

Peter instructs Christians to “Grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18). The biblically prescribed way of learning doctrine is through the study of the written Scripture. For the Christian, it is vitally important to have set-foundation of biblical truth on essential doctrines.      

In this course, we will, in a basic way, systematically examine important biblical doctrines, from the nature, inerrancy, and infallibility of Scripture, creation, the nature of God (Trinity, attributes, etc.), the doctrines of Christ, justification, salvation, – to our final glorification, which we will have with Christ in heaven. I believe that every Christian should be able to plainly communicate the basic truths of the Christian faith and explain in a simple way, the gospel of our God Jesus Christ.  

I am very confident that this course will adequately and vastly increase your familiarity of important biblical doctrines and provide the necessary tools for effective evangelism and helping other believers learn correctly, —as Prov. 27:17 indicates: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”  

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WEDNESDAY (8:30- 10:00 pm) To Announced (2 units)

(Online Only Course)

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To be announced – – Saturday Seminar, Date to be announced 2024 (9:00 AM – 3:00 PM)

Topic to be announced

Evangelism – Field Experience (2 units)

The word “evangelism” means taking the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ to other people. Jesus came to preach the gospel to the poor, and He is still doing that today through us, because we are His body (1 Corinthians 12:27). How do we learn to evangelize? Mainly by doing it. This is a “field experience” course, which involves witnessing for at least one and a half hours a week, turning in weekly lists of the people witnessed to, reading a missionary book (supplied) and writing five pages of notes on it.

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Descripciones de los Cursos

LUNES (6:40–8:10 pm) Desarrollo del Carácter – I

(Clase presencial; opción en línea disponible para estudiantes de larga distancia)

El Desarrollo del Carácter es una series de cursos prácticos donde la fe y creencias cristianas son aplicadas en las situaciones reales de la vida diaria.  Dios desea que Su Pueblo realmente venga a ser semejante a Cristo, no solo creer ciertas doctrinas o acumular una cabeza llena de información.  Sin embargo, vivir lo que creemos puede ser difícil en el día de hoy.

En el Desarrollo del Carácter no solo miramos a las diferentes situaciones de la vida y aprendemos maneras de manejarlas, sino que también vamos mas profundo en comprender como se desarrolla el amor genuino y la virtud en nuestro ser interno, a fin de vivir como cristianos genuinos todo el tiempo y no solo los domingos.

Este trimestre es la primera parte de esta serie y trataremos principios basicos del caracter cristiano y como aplicarlos en nuestra vida diaria—que quiere decir ser el barro y que Dios es el alfarero; como ser un cristiano espiritual; como aprender de la reprensión de otros; como perdonar realmente; ¡y mucho mas!

LUNES (8:30 – 10:00 pm) Se anunciará

(Clase presencial; opción en línea disponible para estudiantes de larga distancia)

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MARTES (6:40–8:10 PM) Se anunciará

(Clase presencial; opción en línea disponible para estudiantes de larga distancia)

MARTES (8:30–10:00 pm) Se anunciará

(Clase presencial; opción en línea disponible para estudiantes de larga distancia)

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MIÉRCOLES (6:40–8:10 pm) Se anunciará

(Curso exclusivamente en línea)


MIÉRCOLES (8:30–10:00 pm) Se anunciará

(Curso exclusivamente en línea)

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Seminario de sabado: “¿Dios, Me Estas Llamando?” sabado, 16 de noviembre, 2024 –  (9:00AM-3:00PM).

Se anunciara

El Pastor Jimmy Madrid dara un estudio basado en el libro excelente de Jeff long “¿Dios, me estas Ilamando?”

“Dios está llamando a una nueva generación de líderes del reino que acelerarán el cumplimiento de la Gran Comisión en esta generación. Mi meta es ir al grano y darle las herramientas para llevar a cabo el proceso del llamamiento”.
“Reconociendo que todos los creyentes tienen un llamado de Dios en sus vidas, lorg categoriza eficazmente los llamados más específicos para el liderazgo cristiano o el servicio misionero así como también el llamado de Dios a un trabajo o lugar en particular. Su evaluación de las diversas maneras en que Dios llama disipará dudas e indecisión y a la vez dará seguridad y confianza a muchos”.

No es necesario comprar el libro para asistir al seminario, a menos que lo esta tomando por credito, pero si quiere obtenerlo de antemano, busque el libro “¿Dios, Me Estas Llamando?” por Jeff Iong

Evangelismo – Facultad

La palabra “evangelismo” significa llevar las Buenas Nuevas de salvación a través de Jesucristo a otras personas. Jesús vino para predicar el evangelio a los pobres, y Él continua haciéndolo hasta el día de hoy a través de nuestras bocas, ya que nosotros somos Su Cuerpo (1 Cor. 12:27). Cómo podremos aprender a evangelizar? Primeramente, haciéndolo! Esta clase es un “campo para experimentar.” Cada estudiante establece un programa de evangelismo semanal, regularmente realizado en su propia iglesia, entonces viene al director de la Universidad para trabajar bajo un plan supervisado.

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