EV-141  Evangelism

The word “evangelism” means taking the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ to other people. Jesus evangelizes today through us,  because we are His body (1 Cor. 12:27). How do we learn to evangelize? Mainly by doing it. This is a “field experience” course. Each student finds an opportunity to be part of an evangelistic program for at least 11/2 hours per week, usually with his or her own church, and then turns in weekly report forms. A book report completes the course. (2 units per quarter)

  Power Evangelism

Sometimes when we evangelize, we do it simply to get decisions out of our hearers; that is, we present the gospel in a merely intellectual way. But that is not how Jesus and the apostles preached the gospel. If we look at the Gospels, Jesus combined the proclamation of the kingdom of God with the demonstration of its power (casting out demons, healing the sick, raising the dead, etc.). These manifestations of the power of the kingdom of God greatly reduced any resistance people had towards the gospel, and signaled the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is no surprise then, that Jesus was so effective in evangelism. In this course we will study the way Jesus and His apostles evangelized, so that we, too, may evangelize with power! (2 units)

  How to Win People to Christ

There’s nothing more exciting than winning someone to Christ. Jesus said, There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10), and believers everywhere rejoice, too, when a new believer is born into the kingdom. But what are some good ways to bring people to Christ? This course will prepare you to share your faith effectively and, even better, bring souls to salvation in Christ. (2 units)

  God in the Marketplace

There are over 100 million Americans who work full time in the USA. It is a great mission field with wonderful opportunities to be ministers of reconciliation, chaplains, and role models of integrity. This class will challenge you to break out of your preconceived notion that God does not belong in business and you’re not worthy to represent Him there. It will also detail how the early church was a movement by business people in the marketplace who loved Jesus and wanted to make Him known.
We will discuss how to introduce Christian ethics into the marketplace with real-life dilemmas we face daily. We will end the course with an opportunity for prayer and commissioning new “marketplace ministers” to be released into this powerful mission field. (2 units)

  Servant Evangelism

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” says the world. As a result they have a hard time comprehending salvation as a free gift (Rom. 6:23), or that someone would be genuinely concerned for them without wanting something in return. Yet in the Roman Empire the early Christians gradually won over the forces of evil by serving others selflessly. Servant Evangelism is a plan to serve people in this way with the result that some of them will eventually see God’s love and be won to Christ. (2 units)

  Evangelism in Depth

What is the most effective method of evangelism? The answer really is quite simple. When a person comes to see himself as a sinner, and to the knowledge that God is the one who can save him, that person is converted to Christ, accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior and is born again. There is a genuine, passionate energy that every believer experiences when he or she falls in love with Jesus Christ. Each believer, from the moment of rebirth, becomes a unique method of evangelism. In this course you will see that evangelism is not a particular program or technique, but is the person who, without even being able to articulate what he does, accomplishes great triumphs, unexplainable to others, but entirely natural to him. This course is designed to correct modern misconceptions of evangelism and to teach you how to discover the unique method of evangelism that God has created for you personally. (2 units)