The Lord has blessed Harvest Bible University with an exceptional group of teachers, so that every class is alive and vibrant. As you look through the course descriptions, you will catch just a glimpse of what you’ll learn in each class; every one is a rich experience in the Living Word.
Most classes are held during the evening on weekdays, although some seminars may be held on Saturday. Each class meets once a week. The actual schedule of classes is printed every quarter and may be obtained from your local university office.
The Quarter System
Traditionally, a school year consisted of two semesters. Today, however, many universities have three “quarters” instead of two semesters. Harvest operates on the quarter system, which gives three opportunities for students to start classes each year. There are eleven school weeks in a quarter, for a total of 33 weeks in a typical school year. Each class earns two units of credit per quarter. A full-time load is 12-16 units per quarter. Units of credit are converted between the semester and the quarter systems as follows: One semester unit = 11/2 quarter units. One quarter unit = 2/3 semester unit.
Units per Course
Each course offered earns two units of credit per quarter. There is a number in parentheses after each course description which tells the total number of units offered in that course in a school year. In other words, (2 units) is for a one-quarter class; (4 units) is for a two-quarter class; and (6 units) is for a three-quarter class.
The total curriculum at Harvest is divided into groups of 48 units each, which may be completed in one year or longer, depending upon how many units a student takes each quarter. As each group is completed, the student earns a certificate, degree, or diploma to signify completion of that part of the curriculum. Students entering the graduate program will choose whether to major under the School of Theology or the School of Intercultural Studies.
BI-101 The Life and Power of Jesus (4 units – 2 units per quarter)
Jesus Christ is the greatest person who has ever lived! His life is the most exciting, power-packed adventure in the history of the human race. This course begins with the worldwide setting for His coming and takes you through His birth, childhood, ministry, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of the Father. It’s an adventure in preaching and teaching, miracles and power encounters, as our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, enters human history and alters its course forever. (4 units)
BI-102 The Transformative Power of Jesus (2 units)
As a good teacher, Jesus prepared His students for final exams. His impending departure represented for His disciples a serious test. It was important for the sake of the gospel that they pass this test. So on the eve of His arrest, trial and crucifixion, Jesus set aside time to review with His disciples the most important truths He had taught and demonstrated over the three years He had spent with them. He expressed these truths in the form of three priorities. These priorities are recorded in John 13–17 and are the basis of His High Priestly prayer in chapter 17. In this course we will learn how to shape our lives and ministries around these priorities, and so enjoy a deeper experience of the life and power of Jesus. “In the world you have tribulation,” Jesus said, “but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). (2 units)
BI-106 Understanding the Old Testament (6 units – 2 units per quarter)
The Old Testament is the fascinating story of God’s dealings with the human race. In one action-packed event after another God’s hand is seen in the unfolding drama of history, which is “His story.” The Old Testament prepares the way for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the whole New Testament and church age. In fact, the New Testament was written primarily to people who were fully conversant with the Old, and therefore the New cannot be rightly understood without knowing the Old. So get into this class. You’ll love it! This course covers the entire Old Testament historically, literarily, and thematically and gives an introduction to each book. (6 units)
BI-111 Understanding the New Testament
The New Testament contains more truth in less space than any other book in the world! It is God’s Word to us for today, yet it often seems long and difficult to understand. This course will bring the New Testament into focus, giving you the big, overall picture, within which you can study and gather valuable truths from its pages for the rest of your life. It is the framework for many of the other university courses which dig into specific books and parts of the New Testament. (2 units)
BI-163 Galatians & Colossians
Galatians has been called “the Magna Carta of Christian liberty,” Paul’s manifesto of justification by faith and the resultant liberty it brings. Paul writes this letter to do away with the false gospel of salvation by works, and demonstrate the superiority of justification by faith. Christ is seen as the One who has freed the believer from bondage to the law and to sin and has placed him in a position of liberty. The transforming Cross provides the believer’s deliverance from the curse of sin, the law and self.
Colossians is perhaps the most Christ-centered book in the Bible. Paul stresses the preeminence of the person of Christ and the completeness of the salvation He provides. Christ is seen as sufficient for every spiritual and practical need of the believer. He is the head of all principality and power, the Lord of creation, and the Author of reconciliation. He is the embodiment of full deity and reigns over all! In this course, we will fall deeper in love with Jesus Christ as we ponder His wonderful characteristics, admire His infinite works, and exult in His matchless love. We will then experience supernatural power in our ministries, freedom from the bondage of sin and legalism, and deliverance from selfish ambition and self worship. (2 units)
BI-186 Genesis
Genesis is the Book of Origins. In order to mine the spiritual wealth from this amazing book, we will break this course into two quarters. In the first quarter we learn that God is a Person who created the Universe and that He gives His creation direction and purpose. God has a plan that gives shape and meaning to all of history, and as this plan unfolds in Genesis we begin to understand the human condition and our place in the universe. This part will cover the Creation through the end of Abraham’s life (chapters 1–25:18). In these chapters we see the creation of all things, how sin infiltrated the originally good creation, how the curse began to affect people and the creation, the flood which came because of sin, and the great covenants made between God and Adam, God and Noah, and God and Abraham. The second quarter of this course will look at various issues from the book of Genesis, such as: What are the roots of the conflict between Arabs and Jews? How do we overcome generational sin? What is the significance of a fatherly blessing? How did God stay faithful to Abraham’s descendants then and how does He remain so today toward Abraham’s spiritual children? How does God bless the unloved and the barren? Why does God allow trials and tribulations? How does God promote the humble who persevere and trust? How does God take evil and turn it for good? These questions and many more will be answered in this course. (4 units)
BI-187 Exodus
God grew His nation in Egypt. Then He said to Pharoah, “Let My people go!” but Pharaoh said, “No!” So God performed some of the greatest miracles in the Bible, showing Himself strong on behalf of His people. The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt is filled with spiritual principles for us today. As Paul said, “Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Cor. 10:11). This course will build your faith and teach you new ways to live victoriously in Christ in this world. (2 units)
BI-191 The Sermon on the Mount
Jesus preached the greatest sermon of all time, a message that has changed civilization and the world more than any other message in history. The Sermon on the Mount contains absolutely the finest, most profound, life-giving words ever spoken. If you will live by this message your whole life will be blessed, and the world will acknowledge that you are a true Christian (Matt. 7:24-27).
Jesus addresses all the big issues of life, right down to where you live. He gives the plan for a winning life, a plan which is opposite of what the world tells you. You will find answers in this course to questions and issues you’ve had, and you will, in the words of Christ, be blessed indeed. (2 units)
BI-221 The Gospel of Matthew
Jesus is alive. He is the risen Lord. When we approach the Gospels we do not come to a dead figure locked into past history. We come to the living Lord, now reigning in heaven and present by His Spirit in the fellowship of His people. This determines how we approach studying and reading the Gospel records.
The Gospel of Matthew bridges the Old Testament into the New, showing that the coming of Jesus brings the kingdom and fulfills God’s promises to Israel and to the nations. The theme of spiritual warfare, the “supernatural,” is evident in Matthew with angels, prophets, prophetic dreams, Satan, demons and miracles woven throughout the text. In this course we will address these and other themes that are intertwined throughout the Gospel of Matthew. (2 units)
BI-223 The Gospel of Luke
The four Gospels each present the Lord Jesus Christ from a different perspective, so that we have a “four-dimensional” view of Him and His life and ministry: As a king (Matthew), a servant (Mark), a man (Luke), and God (John). Luke, being a physician, was uniquely suited to write of Jesus in His manhood. This gospel is the longest of the four and contains many details that the others leave out, perhaps because Luke seems to have a more scholarly mind than the other writers. In any case, this is a course where you will meet your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in a new and greater way. (2 units)
BI-224 The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John is often considered the most important, profound, and universal of the four Gospels. It is typically the first book a new Christian reads to become acquainted with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Mastering the basic content of this Gospel is an important part of a true Bible school education, giving the student an exalted understanding of Christ as The Word of God and the Light of the World (Rev. 19:13; John 8:12).
During the course, the student is taken chapter by chapter through the entire book in systematic fashion. The study looks at both the overall picture of Christ portrayed in this Gospel, and the specific significance of individual narratives and teachings in the separate chapters of the book. (2 units)
BI-227 James
Faith without works cannot be called faith. Faith without works is dead, and a dead faith is worse than no faith at all. Martin Luther said, “Good works are the seals and proofs of faith; for even as a letter must have a seal to strengthen the same, even so faith must have good works.” Faith must work; it must produce; it must be visible. Verbal faith is not enough; mental faith is insufficient. These are essential, but faith must also inspire action. Throughout his epistle to Jewish believers, James integrates true faith and everyday practical experience by stressing that true faith must manifest itself in works—faith that gives to the needs of others; faith that endures trials; faith that understands temptations; faith that obeys the Word; faith that harbors no prejudice; faith that cannot coexist with favoritism; faith that controls the tongue; faith that acts wisely; faith that produces separation from the world and submission to God; faith that resists the devil; faith that waits patiently for the coming of the Lord; faith that in trouble and trials stifles complaining. This is the book of faith in action.
In this course, we will be learning about and practicing how to put our faith into action. James is very practical and very blunt on how to really live for God. He doesn’t mince words or beat around the bush. Our faith is a serious thing because we are serving the true God. Because we love Him we want to know how to please Him and live for Him. And that is what we will learn. (2 units)
BI-228 1 & 2 Peter
In these brief but potent epistles, Peter gets right to the point, presenting truth on many subjects in no uncertain terms. Peter wrote his first epistle at a time when the church was beginning to feel the heat of persecution. Peter’s letters are a call to holiness in troubled times, and a recognition that even suffering can be a gift from God. While 1 Peter deals with dangers from outsiders hostile to the Christian community, 2 Peter examines dangers that emerge from within. Questionable teachings and actions that crop up in the church are clearly dealt with, elucidating the difference between truth and error. (2 units)
BI-232 The Book of Acts
Luke says he wrote the Gospel of Luke about all that Jesus began to do and teach (Acts 1:1). In the Book of Acts he continues the story, which becomes more and more exciting as Jesus keeps right on doing and teaching, through His body, the Church. It is impossible to study Acts without being profoundly stirred, because you are seeing Christianity, the real thing, in action for the first time in human history. The newborn Church is setting forth joyfully and courageously to win the pagan world for God through Christ. Here we are seeing the young Church in action, valiant and unspoiled—a body of ordinary men and women joined in an unconquerable fellowship never before seen on this earth. The Spirit of God found what surely He must always be seeking—a fellowship of men and women so united in love and faith that He can work in them and through them with a minimum of resistance. Consequently, never before has any small body of ordinary people so moved the world that their enemies could say that these men have turned the world upside down! (17:6). The history of the Church begins here as it seeks to fulfill the Great Commission and evangelize the world of its day. Now, in the twenty-first century, we are once again in a time of rapid expansion of the church of Jesus Christ, so Acts has much to teach us today. (2 units)
BI-248 Ecclesiastes
One of the basic hungers of mankind is to find meaning in life. The Book of Ecclesiastes takes us through a wonderful journey of an experienced searcher. He examines the problem of life’s meaning from many angles and concludes that life is worth living only if you see it through God’s eyes and live it according to His ways. Life is designed to have seasons. God has a proper time, season, and purpose for each activity (3:1-8). Recognizing this allows us to make smooth transitions from one season to the next. Solomon looks at life and death, success and failure, time and events, and writes some wise counsel about how to live a meaningful life in a world which does not necessarily conform to our needs and expectations. In this course you will learn how to identify and describe the present season of your life and to develop a plan for utilizing your God-given gifts and talents for the glory of God in ways that are consistent with your present season of life. (2 units)
BI-252 The Epistles of Paul
God converted Christianity’s arch enemy, Saul of Tarsus, and made him the great Apostle Paul, who wrote more books of the Bible than anyone else and shaped the Christian faith more than anyone except Jesus Himself. Professor F. F. Bruce captured the essence of Paul by describing him as “The Apostle of the Heart Set Free.” Many of the richest expressions of Christianity are found in his letters. This two-quarter course will begin with Romans and go through Philemon, giving an introduction to the heart of Paul’s writings. We will glean much practical wisdom from Paul’s letters by learning his message, manner, motives, and methods. (4 units)
BI-253 Pastoral Epistles
The Pastoral Epistles, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, were written by Paul to guide pastors and church leaders in ministering to people and building their local churches. These books are rich with wisdom about how to gently lead and guide the flock of God, how to handle problems and problem people, how to preach, how to select leaders, how to know right doctrine, the inspiration of Scripture, moral and authority issues, and much more. You will be a much better leader as a result of taking this course. (2 units)
BI-278 Isaiah
Isaiah is like a miniature Bible. The first thirty-nine chapters (like the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament) are filled with judgment upon immoral and idolatrous men. But the final twenty-seven chapters (like the twenty-seven books of the New Testament) declare a message of hope. The Messiah is coming as a Savior and a Sovereign to bear a cross and to wear a crown.
In this course, we will explore the depths of this wondrous book of Isaiah. We will look at history, fulfilled prophecy, yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecy, and how our wonderful God wants to use these words to touch our lives today, personally and in our ministries. Get ready! (2 units)
BI-290 Proverbs
There are not simply thirty-one chapters in the Proverbs but over nine hundred individual gems of wisdom to help us navigate through life. This course will help you gain a better appreciation for this collection of some of the finest and most memorable truths in Scripture.
We will get to know the culture to whom they were written, learn how to read them in context, and apply them to the challenges of today. There are many rich themes in these thirty-one chapters as well as the greatest treasure of all in the person of Jesus Christ who lives as the Wisdom of each verse. (2 units)
BI-305 Joshua
Joshua is the story of the conquest of the promised land by the Israelites. God promised them the land, yet they had to conquer it. In the same way, He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises (2 Pet. 1:4) yet we must be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises (Heb. 6:12), fight the good fight (1 Tim. 1:18) to finish the course and keep the faith (2 Tim. 4:7). Joshua is a victorious book that will give you many strategies for victorious living and building the kingdom of God. (2 units)
BI-309 Judges
The Book of Judges sets forth a remarkable panorama of seven cycles of history under ten leaders, showing how leaders and nations can succeed and then crash. Judges stands in stark contrast to Joshua where an obedient people conquered the land through trust in the power of God. In Judges, however, a disobedient and idolatrous people is defeated time and time again because of their rebellion to God. During the nearly four centuries spanned by this book, God raised up military champions to throw off the yoke of bondage and to restore the nation to pure worship. But all too soon the “sin cycle” began again as the nation’s spiritual temperature grew steadily colder. You will come alive with new insight and understanding as you see which leadership styles have God’s seal of approval and which ones fail. (2 units)
BI-310 1 Samuel
Do you long to become a person after God’s own heart, a disciple of Christ who lives as a shining image of God? There was a man named David, of whom God said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will (Acts 13:22). Well, get ready for the grand adventure of learning how to become a person after God’s heart—whether in adversity, big decisions, temptation, or just the daily grind. First Samuel is the story of three giants who teach us from their lives: Samuel, King Saul, and King David. One teaches us about righteousness and boldness in the midst of darkness; another about the cost of disobedience, fear of men, and pride; and the last about clinging to God when your world is falling apart. What a book! (2 units)
BI-311 2 Samuel
The book of 2 Samuel records the highlights of David’s reign, first over the territory of Judah, and then over the entire nation of Israel. It traces the ascension of David to the throne, his wise shepherding of the nation of Israel, and then his climactic sins of adultery and murder, and the shattering consequences of those sins upon his family and the nation. In this course we will be gleaning valuable truth and wisdom from the life of David, especially in the areas of leadership. You will have an opportunity to grow in character and as a leader in God’s kingdom as you better understand the lessons God is giving in these valuable Scriptures on David’s life. (2 units)
BI-312 1 Kings
The transition from David’s rule to Solomon’s rule is a study in movement from grace to glory—from God’s favor bestowed upon us to God’s majesty dwelling in our midst. As Solomon builds God a house we also come to a personal assurance that the King of Glory really wants to dwell in our hearts. That is where He is at home. That is where He wants to manifest His glory. And we come to realize that we can truly build something for God. The theme of 1 Kings centers on the fact that the welfare of Israel and Judah depends upon the faithfulness of the people and their king to the covenant of God. First Kings begins to trace the monarchy from the point of its greatest prosperity under Solomon and shows us that observance of God’s Word produces blessing, but apostasy is rewarded by judgment. This book directly confronts our flesh and asks us which king we will really follow—God or ourselves? When we allow God to rule and reign in our hearts, getting off the throne that is rightfully His, He will take residence there and transform us from the inside out. Get ready to move over and let God be God. (2 units)
BI-313 2 Kings
Second Kings continues the drama begun in 1 Kings—the tragic history of two nations on a collision course with captivity. The author systematically traces the reigning monarchs of Israel and Judah, first by carrying one nation’s history forward, then retracing the same period for the other nation. Nineteen consecutive evil kings rule in Israel, leading to the captivity by Assyria. The picture is somewhat brighter in Judah, where godly kings occasionally emerge to reform the evils of their predecessors. In the end, however, sin outweighs righteousness and Judah is marched off to Babylon. The good news? In the midst of rebellion and chaos, we find an occasional king who will step up, stand alone, and lead his people to revival. Our goal in this course is to learn how God can bring revival from the midst of a wicked generation such as the one we are living in today. It is going to take a great shaking in our day to see things change, and 2 Kings will help us become revival minded. Will we stand up and lead the charge? (2 units)
BI-319 Ezra & Nehemiah
Ezra and Nehemiah were heroes of their day. Their courageous leadership was aimed at restoring Jerusalem, the temple, and the security of the people. Their hearts for the things of God, His land, and His people give us a great model of leadership and zeal in the kingdom of God. Ezra was a priest who brought spiritual revival, and Nehemiah was a governor who brought physical and political reconstruction, leading the people in moral reform. Doesn’t this sound like something that is much needed today? These books hit home and speak to us not just of a time thousands of years ago, but of the very hour we are living in. We need to know God’s way of bringing our generation to Christ and helping them rebuild their lives according to His will and way. Who will stand up and be an Ezra or a Nehemiah in the midst of apostasy and godlessness today? (2 units)
BI-320 Peter the Amazing Disciple
We identify with Peter more than any other apostle. “Peter is so human,” wrote F. B. Meyer, “so like our selves in his ups and downs . . . that we are encouraged to hope that perhaps the Great Potter may be able to make something even of our common clay.” Peter’s transformation in the book of Acts is miraculous, and the theology in his two books is nothing short of genius! His life and writings have tested and inspired the most gifted of biblical scholars for thousands of years. They are challenging yet filled with grace; practical, yet seemingly unreachable; and personal and passionate enough to stir even the most subdued follower. This fisherman never lost his humility nor his memory of his own frail ways. He is indeed worth studying in a slow and deliberate manner to catch a glimpse of the height and breadth of God’s amazing love for this most remarkable disciple. (2 units)
BI-331 Psalms
There’s no book like Israel’s song book, the Psalms. Written in large part by the man after God’s own heart, David, it expresses every emotion known to humankind. It has been the favorite of multitudes of God’s people down through history as they have learned how to worship Him and how to get through the trials of life in its pages. This course will teach you how to interpret and experience the Psalms in all their fullness in your own life. (2 units)
BI-349 The Feasts and Festivals of Israel
In the history of the world there came a time when God designed a nation from scratch, the nation of Israel. There’s much we can learn from how He chose to do it. And one of those things involves the feasts and festivals that He incorporated into the life of the nation. These occasions teach us many things about God, salvation, the life of the church, the experience of the believer, and more. This course will bring you the joy of new insight into God, history, salvation, and national and personal spiritual life. (2 units)
BI-351 1 & 2 Thessalonians
First and Second Thessalonians tell the story of a ministry that was completely beautiful in so many ways: Gentle, loving leadership over a church of people who were filled with faith, overflowing with joy, and serving the Lord with whole hearts. Paul says they were an example to their entire region, and they’re an example to us as well. These two books provide many practical insights into ministry which are invaluable for becoming a pastor or leader in the church. They give excellent advice on how to live the Christian life in the midst of trials and tribulations. And they present special wisdom on living in our day when the return of the Lord Jesus is at hand. Your life will be richer as a result of taking this course. (2 units)
BI-363 Daniel
The Book of Daniel contains the personal history and prophetic visions of Daniel, a Jew deported to Babylon as a teenager. Daniel’s visions are sweeping and panoramic, encompassing the rise and fall of nations and the destiny of the universe itself. Daniel’s life is a powerful case study of how God forges godly character on the anvils of trial and temptation. This class will teach you (1) how to stand for righteousness in an evil world; (2) how to endure in the fiery furnace and come out a champion; (3) how to go to the next level in your life and ministry; (4) important prophetic insight into Christ’s Second Coming, the Great Tribulation, and the last days; (5) how God works within the governments of the world; (6) how the greatest prophecy in the Bible will unfold; (7) how to be victorious in warfare; (8) how to better interpret dreams and visions; (9) and much, much, more! (2 units)
BI-368 1 & 2 Corinthians
People sometimes refer to Paul’s letters to the Corinthians as “1 and 2 Californians” because they cover more bizarre issues than any other New Testament epistle. In this course you’ll learn what Paul teaches about divisions, worldly wisdom, levels of maturity, personal ministry aggrandizement and power struggles, fornication, incest, litigation, homosexuality, marriage and divorce, liberty and legalism, evangelism, rewards and punishment, male and female roles and ministries, gifts, miracles, the Body of Christ, love, prophecy, tongues, resurrection life, the new covenant, suffering for Christ, faith, separation from the world, church discipline, giving to the poor, deception, strength in weakness, and much more. You’ll be greatly helped in your understanding of the issues which plague the church today, and you’ll learn how you yourself can minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. (4 units)
BI-370 Ephesians
Ephesians is often called the “queen of the epistles,” the finest of Paul’s writings. It has had a dramatic effect on believers down through history. In it Paul tells us who we are in Christ, all that is available to us in Christ, and how important our unity in Christ is. He explains how to be victorious in face of the world system that tries to co-opt us. He covers many practical topics, including marriage and family, spiritual warfare, forgiveness, holy living, and spiritual gifts. This is a rich course. (2 units)
BI-371 Philippians
Philippians practically shouts with triumph. The words “joy” and “rejoice” appear repeatedly even though Paul was writing from prison. In this course you will learn how to have victorious, overcoming joy in every circumstance of life, so that you may be a winner in this life and the next. It also presents the most profound explanation of the meaning of the incarnation. Come, learn of Jesus who is highly exalted above all names. (2 units)
BI-377 Powerful Prayers in the Bible
Prayer is one of the most powerful forces in the world today! The Queen of Scotland once said, “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the armies of the nations.” All the great revivals of history have come from prayer. Miraculous signs and wonders come when people pray. In fact, an Oxford University scholar wrote a book called Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting which details many times when the course of history was changed by prayer, including many miraculous events in the founding of America. Since the Bible records the most powerful kinds of prayer, this class will lead you through fascinating stories of the Bible and teach you how to pray with power for supernatural results in your world. Come for new insights that will transform your life and energize your prayer life and ministry. (2 units)
BI-403 Book of Job
Job is one of the five “wisdom books” in Scripture and is an amazing collection of poetry and instruction. Job and his life will challenge your own personal outlook on ethics, apologetics, justice, mercy, redemption, persecution, heroic endurance, and fortitude. If you’ve ever had sand kicked in your face, experienced shame over a crisis, or simply been puzzled why such calamities happen to the best of people, this course is for you. Job loses everything and tries to sort out his life with the “help” of his friends. Each discourse has very practical applications for our lives and is also helpful in gaining insight into personal relationships between friends, among other things. Then in the final chapters, God breaks in with great power and authority. You will gain a whole new perspective on life, and grow years in wisdom as you take this course. (2 units)
BI-404 Book of Romans
We all want to know who we are, what our purpose is, and the real meaning of life. We can find this good news and much more in the amazing Book of Romans, Paul’s greatest work. While the four gospels present the words and works of Jesus Christ, Romans explores the significance of His sacrificial death. Using a question-and-answer format, Paul records the most systematic presentation of theology in the Bible. Yet, Romans is more than a book of theology; it is also a book of practical application. The good news of Jesus Christ is more than facts to be believed; it is also a life to be lived. Learn about the free gift God has given you, and the supernatural power available to you through His Son. Together, these can produce in you a triumphant life, now and for eternity. (2 units)
BI-409 Book of Hebrews
Hebrews is undoubtedly one of the most elegant books in the Bible. It presents the work of our Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, showing its development from the Old Testament Tabernacle and sacrificial system into the new covenant today. It gives in-depth perspective and direction for living the Christian life, even in the midst of suffering, and it presents the Bible’s greatest summary and explanation of faith as the basis of living for God. Your appreciation of salvation, and the God who paid its price, will grow mightily in this course. (2 units)
BI-414 1, 2, & 3 John and Jude
These brief epistles are potent! The writers get right to the point, presenting truth on many subjects in no uncertain terms. Questionable teachings and actions that crop up in the church are clearly dealt with, elucidating the difference between truth and error. Love, too, is developed to a high degree in these epistles, showing what pure love really is, along with some of the greatest expressions of God’s love for us. An unforgettable, life-changing course. (2 units)
BI-425 Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation, the last book in the New Testament, is both a fascinating and a baffling book. It is the only book in the Bible which promises a blessing to those who read it (Rev. 1:3). It is also a book which has much to say to us today. Written to encourage Christians threatened with persecution, it shows us the workings in the world from God’s perspective. Behind the vivid imagery of John’s writing is a powerful picture of the nature of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. This is a book which speaks strongly to the Church today. (2 units)
BI-429 Christ in the Tabernacle
God is a consistent God, an eternal God, who thinks in terms of all of history, not just the immediate generation. When He planned the work of Jesus Christ for our salvation in eternity past, He planned a coherent, progressive unfolding of the drama of redemption down through the history of humans on the earth. Moses’ Tabernacle was an important part of this illustrated revelation of His plan and work on man’s behalf. It showed realities both in heaven and on earth (Heb. 8:1-5; 9:11), as it foretold the coming of Messiah and His perfect work for our salvation.
Each part of the Tabernacle pictures an important truth for humankind, consistent with everything else God has said on this subject down through the ages. It is a fascinating course that will take you through all aspects of the Tabernacle and their significance in Christ. (2 units)
BI-430 The Tabernacle of David
What is the tabernacle of David, and what is it for? God said, “After these things I will return, and I will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen, and I will rebuild its ruins, and I will restore it, in order that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles who are called by My name,” says the Lord, who makes these things known from of old (Acts 15:16-18). This Scripture says that it is something that God would restore in the New Testament age so that the rest of humankind could seek Him. It is the type of worship David instituted, the kind proclaimed in the Psalms, worship that all the peoples of the world can relate to. This course will explain what David’s tabernacle was and how it is being used of God today to reach the world for Christ. (2 units)
BI-450 The Minor Prophets
The last twelve books of the Old Testament are called the Minor Prophets. This course will give you an immense appreciation of how God can powerfully speak through men who might appear to be small in stature. It will also broaden your grasp of Israel’s history before, during and after the exile up to the point that God simply grew quiet, until John the Baptist came on the scene.
Each of the prophets overcame staggering odds and fierce opposition to the truth God gave them to share. In spite of these circumstances, they stood their ground and spoke into the hearts of their beloved countrymen. The twelve Minor Prophets begin with Hosea and end with Malachi at the close of the Old Testament. We will study each book in context, review the chapters briefly, and bring practical application so that God’s truth is as powerfully relevant today as it was when they first heard it and spoke it. (2 units)