BI  101  The Life and Power of Jesus (4 units)

Jesus Christ is the greatest person who has ever lived! His life is the most exciting, power-packed adventure in the history of the human race. This course begins with the worldwide setting for His coming and takes you through His birth, childhood, ministry, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of the Father. It’s an adventure in preaching and teaching, miracles and power encounters, as our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, enters human history and alters its course forever. (4 units)



BI  102  The Transformative Power of Jesus (2 units)

As a good teacher, Jesus prepared His students for final exams. His impending departure represented for His disciples a serious test. It was important for the sake of the gospel that they pass this test. So on the eve of His arrest, trial and crucifixion, Jesus set aside time to review with His disciples the most important truths He had taught and demonstrated over the three years He had spent with them. He expressed these truths in the form of three priorities. These priorities are recorded in John 13–17 and are the basis of His High Priestly prayer in chapter 17. In this course we will learn how to shape our lives and ministries around these priorities, and so enjoy a deeper experience of the life and power of Jesus. “In the world you have tribulation,” Jesus said, “but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). (2 units)



BI  106  Understanding the Old Testament (6 units)

The Old Testament is the fascinating story of God’s dealings with the human race. In one action-packed event after another God’s hand is seen in the unfolding drama of history, which is “His story.” The Old Testament prepares the way for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the whole New Testament and church age. In fact, the New Testament was written primarily to people who were fully conversant with the Old, and therefore the New cannot be rightly understood without knowing the Old. So get into this class. You’ll love it! This course covers the entire Old Testament historically, literarily, and thematically and gives an introduction to each book. (6 units)



BI  111  Understanding the New Testament

The New Testament contains more truth in less space than any other book in the world! It is God’s Word to us for today, yet it often seems long and difficult to understand. This course will bring the New Testament into focus, giving you the big, overall picture, within which you can study and gather valuable truths from its pages for the rest of your life. It is the framework for many of the other university courses which dig into specific books and parts of the New Testament. (2 units)



BI  163  Galatians & Colossians

Galatians has been called “the Magna Carta of Christian liberty”, Paul’s manifesto of justification by faith and the resultant liberty it brings. Paul writes this letter to do away with the false gospel of salvation by works, and demonstrate the superiority of justification by faith. Christ is seen as the One who has freed the believer from bondage to the law and to sin and has placed him in a position of liberty. The transforming Cross provides the believer’s deliverance from the curse of sin, the law and self.

Colossians is perhaps the most Christ-centered book in the Bible. Paul stresses the preeminence of the person of Christ and the completeness of the salvation He provides. Christ is seen as sufficient for every spiritual and practical need of the believer. He is the head of all principality and power, the Lord of creation, and the Author of reconciliation. He is the embodiment of full deity and reigns over all! In this course, we will fall deeper in love with Jesus Christ as we ponder His wonderful characteristics, admire His infinite works, and exult in His matchless love. We will then experience supernatural power in our ministries, freedom from the bondage of sin and legalism, and deliverance from selfish ambition and self worship. (2 units)



BI  186  Genesis

Genesis is the Book of Origins. In order to mine the spiritual wealth from this amazing book, we will break this course into two quarters. In the first quarter we learn that God is a Person who created the Universe and that He gives His creation direction and purpose. God has a plan that gives shape and meaning to all of history, and as this plan unfolds in Genesis we begin to understand the human condition and our place in the universe. This part will cover the Creation through the end of Abraham’s life (chapters 1–25:18). In these chapters we see the creation of all things, how sin infiltrated the originally good creation, how the curse began to affect people and the creation, the flood which came because of sin, and the great covenants made between God and Adam, God and Noah, and God and Abraham. The second quarter of this course will look at various issues from the book of Genesis, such as: What are the roots of the conflict between Arabs and Jews? How do we overcome generational sin? What is the significance of a fatherly blessing? How did God stay faithful to Abraham’s descendants then and how does He remain so today toward Abraham’s spiritual children? How does God bless the unloved and the barren? Why does God allow trials and tribulations? How does God promote the humble who persevere and trust? How does God take evil and turn it for good? These questions and many more will be answered in this course. (4 units)



BI  187  Exodus

God grew His nation in Egypt. Then He said to Pharoah, “Let My people go!” but Pharaoh said, “No!” So God performed some of the greatest miracles in the Bible, showing Himself strong on behalf of His people. The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt is filled with spiritual principles for us today. As Paul said, “Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Cor. 10:11). This course will build your faith and teach you new ways to live victoriously in Christ in this world. (2 units)



BI  191  The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus preached the greatest sermon of all time, a message that has changed civilization and the world more than any other message in history. The Sermon on the Mount contains absolutely the finest, most profound, life-giving words ever spoken. If you will live by this message your whole life will be blessed, and the world will acknowledge that you are a true Christian (Matt. 7:24-27).

Jesus addresses all the big issues of life, right down to where you live. He gives the plan for a winning life, a plan which is opposite of what the world tells you. You will find answers in this course to questions and issues you’ve had, and you will, in the words of Christ, be blessed indeed. (2 units)



BI  221 The Gospel of Matthew

Jesus is alive. He is the risen Lord. When we approach the Gospels we do not come to a dead figure locked into past history. We come to the living Lord, now reigning in heaven and present by His Spirit in the fellowship of His people. This determines how we approach studying and reading the Gospel records.

The Gospel of Matthew bridges the Old Testament into the New, showing that the coming of Jesus brings the kingdom and fulfills God’s promises to Israel and to the nations. The theme of spiritual warfare, the “supernatural,” is evident in Matthew with angels, prophets, prophetic dreams, Satan, demons and miracles woven throughout the text. In this course we will address these and other themes that are intertwined throughout the Gospel of Matthew. (2 units)



BI  223  The Gospel of Luke

The four Gospels each present the Lord Jesus Christ from a different perspective, so that we have a “four-dimensional” view of Him and His life and ministry: As a king (Matthew), a servant (Mark), a man (Luke), and God (John). Luke, being a physician, was uniquely suited to write of Jesus in His manhood. This gospel is the longest of the four and contains many details that the others leave out, perhaps because Luke seems to have a more scholarly mind than the other writers. In any case, this is a course where you will meet your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in a new and greater way. (2 units)



BI  224  The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John is often considered the most important, profound, and universal of the four Gospels. It is typically the first book a new Christian reads to become acquainted with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Mastering the basic content of this Gospel is an important part of a true Bible school education, giving the student an exalted understanding of Christ as The Word of God and the Light of the World (Rev. 19:13; John 8:12).

During the course, the student is taken chapter by chapter through the entire book in systematic fashion. The study looks at both the overall picture of Christ portrayed in this Gospel, and the specific significance of individual narratives and teachings in the separate chapters of the book. (2 units)



BI  227  James

Faith without works cannot be called faith. Faith without works is dead, and a dead faith is worse than no faith at all. Martin Luther said, “Good works are the seals and proofs of faith; for even as a letter must have a seal to strengthen the same, even so faith must have good works.” Faith must work; it must produce; it must be visible. Verbal faith is not enough; mental faith is insufficient. These are essential, but faith must also inspire action. Throughout his epistle to Jewish believers, James integrates true faith and everyday practical experience by stressing that true faith must manifest itself in works—faith that gives to the needs of others; faith that endures trials; faith that understands temptations; faith that obeys the Word; faith that harbors no prejudice; faith that cannot coexist with favoritism; faith that controls the tongue; faith that acts wisely; faith that produces separation from the world and submission to God; faith that resists the devil; faith that waits patiently for the coming of the Lord; faith that in trouble and trials stifles complaining. This is the book of faith in action.

In this course, we will be learning about and practicing how to put our faith into action. James is very practical and very blunt on how to really live for God. He doesn’t mince words or beat around the bush. Our faith is a serious thing because we are serving the true God. Because we love Him we want to know how to please Him and live for Him. And that is what we will learn. (2 units)



BI  228  1 & 2 Peter

In these brief but potent epistles, Peter gets right to the point, presenting truth on many subjects in no uncertain terms. Peter wrote his first epistle at a time when the church was beginning to feel the heat of persecution. Peter’s letters are a call to holiness in troubled times, and a recognition that even suffering can be a gift from God. While 1 Peter deals with dangers from outsiders hostile to the Christian community, 2 Peter examines dangers that emerge from within. Questionable teachings and actions that crop up in the church are clearly dealt with, elucidating the difference between truth and error. (2 units)



BI  232  The Book of Acts

Luke says he wrote the Gospel of Luke about all that Jesus began to do and teach (Acts 1:1). In the Book of Acts he continues the story, which becomes more and more exciting as Jesus keeps right on doing and teaching, through His body, the Church. It is impossible to study Acts without being profoundly stirred, because you are seeing Christianity, the real thing, in action for the first time in human history. The newborn Church is setting forth joyfully and courageously to win the pagan world for God through Christ. Here we are seeing the young Church in action, valiant and unspoiled—a body of ordinary men and women joined in an unconquerable fellowship never before seen on this earth. The Spirit of God found what surely He must always be seeking—a fellowship of men and women so united in love and faith that He can work in them and through them with a minimum of resistance. Consequently, never before has any small body of ordinary people so moved the world that their enemies could say that these men have turned the world upside down! (17:6). The history of the Church begins here as it seeks to fulfill the Great Commission and evangelize the world of its day. Now, in the twenty-first century, we are once again in a time of rapid expansion of the church of Jesus Christ, so Acts has much to teach us today. (2 units)



BI  248  Ecclesiastes

One of the basic hungers of mankind is to find meaning in life. The Book of Ecclesiastes takes us through a wonderful journey of an experienced searcher. He examines the problem of life’s meaning from many angles and concludes that life is worth living only if you see it through God’s eyes and live it according to His ways. Life is designed to have seasons. God has a proper time, season, and purpose for each activity (3:1-8). Recognizing this allows us to make smooth transitions from one season to the next. Solomon looks at life and death, success and failure, time and events, and writes some wise counsel about how to live a meaningful life in a world which does not necessarily conform to our needs and expectations. In this course you will learn how to identify and describe the present season of your life and to develop a plan for utilizing your God-given gifts and talents for the glory of God in ways that are consistent with your present season of life. (2 units)



BI  252  The Epistles of Paul

God converted Christianity’s arch enemy, Saul of Tarsus, and made him the great Apostle Paul, who wrote more books of the Bible than anyone else and shaped the Christian faith more than anyone except Jesus Himself. Professor F. F. Bruce captured the essence of Paul by describing him as “The Apostle of the Heart Set Free.” Many of the richest expressions of Christianity are found in his letters. This two-quarter course will begin with Romans and go through Philemon, giving an introduction to the heart of Paul’s writings. We will glean much practical wisdom from Paul’s letters by learning his message, manner, motives, and methods. (4 units)



BI  253  Pastoral Epistles

The Pastoral Epistles, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, were written by Paul to guide pastors and church leaders in ministering to people and building their local churches. These books are rich with wisdom about how to gently lead and guide the flock of God, how to handle problems and problem people, how to preach, how to select leaders, how to know right doctrine, the inspiration of Scripture, moral and authority issues, and much more. You will be a much better leader as a result of taking this course. (2 units)



BI  278  Isaiah

Isaiah is like a miniature Bible. The first thirty-nine chapters (like the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament) are filled with judgment upon immoral and idolatrous men. But the final twenty-seven chapters (like the twenty-seven books of the New Testament) declare a message of hope. The Messiah is coming as a Savior and a Sovereign to bear a cross and to wear a crown.

In this course, we will explore the depths of this wondrous book of Isaiah. We will look at history, fulfilled prophecy, yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecy, and how our wonderful God wants to use these words to touch our lives today, personally and in our ministries. Get ready! (2 units)



BI  290  Proverbs

There are not simply thirty-one chapters in the Proverbs but over nine hundred individual gems of wisdom to help us navigate through life. This course will help you gain a better appreciation for this collection of some of the finest and most memorable truths in Scripture.

We will get to know the culture to whom they were written, learn how to read them in context, and apply them to the challenges of today. There are many rich themes in these thirty-one chapters as well as the greatest treasure of all in the person of Jesus Christ who lives as the Wisdom of each verse. (2 units)



BI  305  Joshua

Joshua is the story of the conquest of the promised land by the Israelites. God promised them the land, yet they had to conquer it. In the same way, He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises (2 Pet. 1:4) yet we must be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises (Heb. 6:12),  fight the good fight (1 Tim. 1:18) to finish the course and keep the faith (2 Tim. 4:7). Joshua is a victorious book that will give you many strategies for victorious living and building the kingdom of God. (2 units)



BI  309  Judges

The Book of Judges sets forth a remarkable panorama of seven cycles of history under ten leaders, showing how leaders and nations can succeed and then crash. Judges stands in stark contrast to Joshua where an obedient people conquered the land through trust in the power of God. In Judges, however, a disobedient and idolatrous people is defeated time and time again because of their rebellion to God. During the nearly four centuries spanned by this book, God raised up military champions to throw off the yoke of bondage and to restore the nation to pure worship. But all too soon the “sin cycle” began again as the nation’s spiritual temperature grew steadily colder. You will come alive with new insight and understanding as you see which leadership styles have God’s seal of approval and which ones fail. (2 units)



BI  310  1 Samuel

Do you long to become a person after God’s own heart, a disciple of Christ who lives as a shining image of God? There was a man named David, of whom God said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will (Acts 13:22). Well, get ready for the grand adventure of learning how to become a person after God’s heart—whether in adversity, big decisions, temptation, or just the daily grind. First Samuel is the story of three giants who teach us from their lives: Samuel, King Saul, and King David. One teaches us about righteousness and boldness in the midst of darkness; another about the cost of disobedience, fear of men, and pride; and the last about clinging to God when your world is falling apart. What a book! (2 units)



BI  311  2 Samuel

The book of 2 Samuel records the highlights of David’s reign, first over the territory of Judah, and then over the entire nation of Israel. It traces the ascension of David to the throne, his wise shepherding of the nation of Israel, and then his climactic sins of adultery and murder, and the shattering consequences of those sins upon his family and the nation. In this course we will be gleaning valuable truth and wisdom from the life of David, especially in the areas of leadership. You will have an opportunity to grow in character and as a leader in God’s kingdom as you better understand the lessons God is giving in these valuable Scriptures on David’s life. (2 units)



BI  312  1 Kings

The transition from David’s rule to Solomon’s rule is a study in movement from grace to glory—from God’s favor bestowed upon us to God’s majesty dwelling in our midst. As Solomon builds God a house we also come to a personal assurance that the King of Glory really wants to dwell in our hearts. That is where He is at home. That is where He wants to manifest His glory. And we come to realize that we can truly build something for God. The theme of 1 Kings centers on the fact that the welfare of Israel and Judah depends upon the faithfulness of the people and their king to the covenant of God. First Kings begins to trace the monarchy from the point of its greatest prosperity under Solomon and shows us that observance of God’s Word produces blessing, but apostasy is rewarded by judgment. This book directly confronts our flesh and asks us which king we will really follow—God or ourselves? When we allow God to rule and reign in our hearts, getting off the throne that is rightfully His, He will take residence there and transform us from the inside out. Get ready to move over and let God be God. (2 units)



BI  313  2 Kings

Second Kings continues the drama begun in 1 Kings—the tragic history of two nations on a collision course with captivity. The author systematically traces the reigning monarchs of Israel and Judah, first by carrying one nation’s history forward, then retracing the same period for the other nation. Nineteen consecutive evil kings rule in Israel, leading to the captivity by Assyria. The picture is somewhat brighter in Judah, where godly kings occasionally emerge to reform the evils of their predecessors. In the end, however, sin outweighs righteousness and Judah is marched off to Babylon. The good news? In the midst of rebellion and chaos, we find an occasional king who will step up, stand alone, and lead his people to revival. Our goal in this course is to learn how God can bring revival from the midst of a wicked generation such as the one we are living in today. It is going to take a great shaking in our day to see things change, and 2 Kings will help us become revival minded. Will we stand up and lead the charge? (2 units)



BI  319  Ezra & Nehemiah

Ezra and Nehemiah were heroes of their day. Their courageous leadership was aimed at restoring Jerusalem, the temple, and the security of the people. Their hearts for the things of God, His land, and His people give us a great model of leadership and zeal in the kingdom of God. Ezra was a priest who brought spiritual revival, and Nehemiah was a governor who brought physical and political reconstruction, leading the people in moral reform. Doesn’t this sound like something that is much needed today? These books hit home and speak to us not just of a time thousands of years ago, but of the very hour we are living in. We need to know God’s way of bringing our generation to Christ and helping them rebuild their lives according to His will and way. Who will stand up and be an Ezra or a Nehemiah in the midst of apostasy and godlessness today? (2 units)



BI  320  Peter the Amazing Disciple

We identify with Peter more than any other apostle. “Peter is so human,” wrote F. B. Meyer, “so like our selves in his ups and downs . . . that we are encouraged to hope that perhaps the Great Potter may be able to make something even of our common clay.” Peter’s transformation in the book of Acts is miraculous, and the theology in his two books is nothing short of genius! His life and writings have tested and inspired the most gifted of biblical scholars for thousands of years. They are challenging yet filled with grace; practical, yet seemingly unreachable; and personal and passionate enough to stir even the most subdued follower. This fisherman never lost his humility nor his memory of his own frail ways. He is indeed worth studying in a slow and deliberate manner to catch a glimpse of the height and breadth of God’s amazing love for this most remarkable disciple. (2 units)



BI  331  Psalms

There’s no book like Israel’s song book, the Psalms. Written in large part by the man after God’s own heart, David, it expresses every emotion known to humankind. It has been the favorite of multitudes of God’s people down through history as they have learned how to worship Him and how to get through the trials of life in its pages. This course will teach you how to interpret and experience the Psalms in all their fullness in your own life. (2 units)



BI  349  The Feasts and Festivals of Israel

In the history of the world there came a time when God designed a nation from scratch, the nation of Israel. There’s much we can learn from how He chose to do it. And one of those things involves the feasts and festivals that He incorporated into the life of the nation. These occasions teach us many things about God, salvation, the life of the church, the experience of the believer, and more. This course will bring you the joy of new insight into God, history, salvation, and national and personal spiritual life. (2 units)



BI  351  1 & 2 Thessalonians

First and Second Thessalonians tell the story of a ministry that was completely beautiful in so many ways: Gentle, loving leadership over a church of people who were filled with faith, overflowing with joy, and serving the Lord with whole hearts. Paul says they were an example to their entire region, and they’re an example to us as well. These two books provide many practical insights into ministry which are invaluable for becoming a pastor or leader in the church. They give excellent advice on how to live the Christian life in the midst of trials and tribulations. And they present special wisdom on living in our day when the return of the Lord Jesus is at hand. Your life will be richer as a result of taking this course. (2 units)



BI  363  Daniel

The Book of Daniel contains the personal history and prophetic visions of Daniel, a Jew deported to Babylon as a teenager. Daniel’s visions are sweeping and panoramic, encompassing the rise and fall of nations and the destiny of the universe itself. Daniel’s life is a powerful case study of how God forges godly character on the anvils of trial and temptation. This class will teach you (1) how to stand for righteousness in an evil world; (2) how to endure in the fiery furnace and come out a champion; (3) how to go to the next level in your life and ministry; (4) important prophetic insight into Christ’s Second Coming, the Great Tribulation, and the last days; (5) how God works within the governments of the world; (6) how the greatest prophecy in the Bible will unfold; (7) how to be victorious in warfare; (8) how to better interpret dreams and visions; (9) and much, much, more! (2 units)



BI  368  1 & 2 Corinthians

People sometimes refer to Paul’s letters to the Corinthians as “1 and 2 Californians” because they cover more bizarre issues than any other New Testament epistle. In this course you’ll learn what Paul teaches about divisions, worldly wisdom, levels of maturity, personal ministry aggrandizement and power struggles, fornication, incest, litigation, homosexuality, marriage and divorce, liberty and legalism, evangelism, rewards and punishment, male and female roles and ministries, gifts, miracles, the Body of Christ, love, prophecy, tongues, resurrection life, the new covenant, suffering for Christ, faith, separation from the world, church discipline, giving to the poor, deception, strength in weakness, and much more. You’ll be greatly helped in your understanding of the issues which plague the church today, and you’ll learn how you yourself can minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. (4 units)



BI  370  Ephesians

Ephesians is often called the “queen of the epistles,” the finest of Paul’s writings. It has had a dramatic effect on believers down through history. In it Paul tells us who we are in Christ, all that is available to us in Christ, and how important our unity in Christ is. He explains how to be victorious in face of the world system that tries to co-opt us. He covers many practical topics, including marriage and family, spiritual warfare, forgiveness, holy living, and spiritual gifts. This is a rich course. (2 units)



BI  371  Philippians

Philippians practically shouts with triumph. The words “joy” and “rejoice” appear repeatedly even though Paul was writing from prison. In this course you will learn how to have victorious, overcoming joy in every circumstance of life, so that you may be a winner in this life and the next. It also presents the most profound explanation of the meaning of the incarnation. Come, learn of Jesus who is highly exalted above all names. (2 units)



BI  377  Powerful Prayers in the Bible

Prayer is one of the most powerful forces in the world today! The Queen of Scotland once said, “I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the armies of the nations.” All the great revivals of history have come from prayer. Miraculous signs and wonders come when people pray. In fact, an Oxford University scholar wrote a book called Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting which details many times when the course of history was changed by prayer, including many miraculous events in the founding of America. Since the Bible records the most powerful kinds of prayer, this class will lead you through fascinating stories of the Bible and teach you how to pray with power for supernatural results in your world. Come for new insights that will transform your life and energize your prayer life and ministry. (2 units)



BI  403  Book of Job

Job is one of the five “wisdom books” in Scripture and is an amazing collection of poetry and instruction. Job and his life will challenge your own personal outlook on ethics, apologetics, justice, mercy, redemption, persecution, heroic endurance, and fortitude. If you’ve ever had sand kicked in your face, experienced shame over a crisis, or simply been puzzled why such calamities happen to the best of people, this course is for you. Job loses everything and tries to sort out his life with the “help” of his friends. Each discourse has very practical applications for our lives and is also helpful in gaining insight into personal relationships between friends, among other things. Then in the final chapters, God breaks in with great power and authority. You will gain a whole new perspective on life, and grow years in wisdom as you take this course. (2 units)



BI  404  Book of Romans

We all want to know who we are, what our purpose is, and the real meaning of life. We can find this good news and much more in the amazing Book of Romans, Paul’s greatest work. While the four gospels present the words and works of Jesus Christ, Romans explores the significance of His sacrificial death. Using a question-and-answer format, Paul records the most systematic presentation of theology in the Bible. Yet, Romans is more than a book of theology; it is also a book of practical application. The good news of Jesus Christ is more than facts to be believed; it is also a life to be lived. Learn about the free gift God has given you, and the supernatural power available to you through His Son. Together, these can produce in you a triumphant life, now and for eternity. (2 units)



BI  409  Book of Hebrews

Hebrews is undoubtedly one of the most elegant books in the Bible. It presents the work of our Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, showing its development from the Old Testament Tabernacle and sacrificial system into the new covenant today. It gives in-depth perspective and direction for living the Christian life, even in the midst of suffering, and it presents the Bible’s greatest summary and explanation of faith as the basis of living for God. Your appreciation of salvation, and the God who paid its price, will grow mightily in this course. (2 units)



BI  414  1, 2, & 3 John and Jude

These brief epistles are potent! The writers get right to the point, presenting truth on many subjects in no uncertain terms. Questionable teachings and actions that crop up in the church are clearly dealt with, elucidating the difference between truth and error. Love, too, is developed to a high degree in these epistles, showing what pure love really is, along with some of the greatest expressions of God’s love for us. An unforgettable, life-changing course. (2 units)



BI  425  Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation, the last book in the New Testament, is both a fascinating and a baffling book. It is the only book in the Bible which promises a blessing to those who read it (Rev. 1:3). It is also a book which has much to say to us today. Written to encourage Christians threatened with persecution, it shows us the workings in the world from God’s perspective. Behind the vivid imagery of John’s writing is a powerful picture of the nature of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. This is a book which speaks strongly to the Church today. (2 units)



BI  429  Christ in the Tabernacle

God is a consistent God, an eternal God, who thinks in terms of all of history, not just the immediate generation. When He planned the work of Jesus Christ for our salvation in eternity past, He planned a coherent, progressive unfolding of the drama of redemption down through the history of humans on the earth. Moses’ Tabernacle was an important part of this illustrated revelation of His plan and work on man’s behalf. It showed realities both in heaven and on earth (Heb. 8:1-5; 9:11), as it foretold the coming of Messiah and His perfect work for our salvation.

Each part of the Tabernacle pictures an important truth for humankind, consistent with everything else God has said on this subject down through the ages. It is a fascinating course that will take you through all aspects of the Tabernacle and their significance in Christ. (2 units)



BI  430  The Tabernacle of David

What is the tabernacle of David, and what is it for? God said, “After these things I will return, and I will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen, and I will rebuild its ruins, and I will restore it, in order that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles who are called by My name,” says the Lord, who makes these things known from of old (Acts 15:16-18). This Scripture says that it is something that God would restore in the New Testament age so that the rest of humankind could seek Him. It is the type of worship David instituted, the kind proclaimed in the Psalms, worship that all the peoples of the world can relate to. This course will explain what David’s tabernacle was and how it is being used of God today to reach the world for Christ. (2 units)



BI  450  The Minor Prophets

The last twelve books of the Old Testament are called the Minor Prophets. This course will give you an immense appreciation of how God can powerfully speak through men who might appear to be small in stature. It will also broaden your grasp of Israel’s history before, during and after the exile up to the point that God simply grew quiet, until John the Baptist came on the scene.

Each of the prophets overcame staggering odds and fierce opposition to the truth God gave them to share. In spite of these circumstances, they stood their ground and spoke into the hearts of their beloved countrymen. The twelve Minor Prophets begin with Hosea and end with Malachi at the close of the Old Testament. We will study each book in context, review the chapters briefly, and bring practical application so that God’s truth is as powerfully relevant today as it was when they first heard it and spoke it. (2 units)

TH  116  How to Study the Bible

God has given teachers to the Body of Christ, that we might learn His Word and His ways (Eph. 4:11). Yet He has also called us to study His Word ourselves (Acts 17:11) for our long-term growth in Christ (2 Tim. 3:16-17). If we are to handle it accurately and not be ashamed (2 Tim. 2:15), we need to know how to study it, not just read it casually. This class will show you how to dig out the rich golden nuggets of the Word for yourself. Your whole life will be different from now on as a result of applying the skills you’ll learn in this most enjoyable course. (2 units)



TH  124  Creation, God’s Intelligent Design

The Intelligent Design Movement brings together scientists and others from all different camps who have one thing in common: they recognize that the universe and all of life show purposeful, complex design which could not have happened by chance. In a book published by Cambridge University Press, William Dembski shows “how detecting design within the universe, and especially against the backdrop of biology and biochemistry, unseats naturalism” and, above all, Darwin’s expulsion of design in his theory of evolution. This course will introduce you to many aspects of this movement within the world of science, and additionally confirm that the Bible is the starting point for every field of knowledge. (2 units)



TH  157  The Bible—Did God Really Write it?

This course will thoroughly examine the question of Biblical authorship and accuracy. It will examine how, why, and when the Scriptures were written. It will discuss the issue of essentially literal translations vs. dynamic equivalent attempts at making Scripture easier to read. It will also look at the Holy Spirit’s role in the writing of Scripture, and the Bible’s impact on humanity throughout history. Finally, we will enjoy the sheer fact that literature informs, while the Word of God transforms—and for that remarkable gift of Grace, we are eternally grateful! (2 units)



TH  165  The Power of Blessing

God says that our tongue has the power to create! (Prov. 18:21) Our words can change lives and change the course of history. We will look at 23 blessings found in the Bible. Each blessing is unique and calls down all the forces of heaven to empower you to speak new life and change into existence. We will read each blessing and then ask why it is significant. The “why” will shed light on how we can apply each truth to our lives and more importantly, impart the blessing to others. We will also identify 21 names of God and understand how to use them in blessing others. Finally, there will be an experiential element to this class as we take time to bless one another. This “lab” work will sharpen our skills at making declarations, encouraging others, and praying. (2 units)



TH  202  Hermeneutics—How to Interpret the Bible

How should you interpret the various things you find in the Bible? Would you, for example, cut off your hand, based on Matthew 5:30? Some people, not understanding what a hyperbole is, have done just that. When Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again, Nicodemus pictured a grown person reentering his or her mother’s womb (John 3:1-8), rather than spiritual birth. Certain cults use the Bible to come up with some rather strange things. Worse yet, many post-modern theologians are taking very clear passages and saying they don’t mean what they obviously say. This is a major battleground today, one that began in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3.

So how do you interpret and understand what God is saying in different places in the Bible? This course will teach you the basic principles of biblical interpretation. You will enjoy, understand, and profit more from the Word after taking this course. (2 units)



TH  212  The Power of Prayer

How’s your prayer life? How do you feel about your ability to get answers to prayer? In the twenty-first century, God is emphasizing prayer in an unprecedented manner. In churches throughout the world people are rediscovering the power of prayer to communicate with God and to accomplish His work (Mark 11:23-24). This course may change your life and bring about the vision God has placed in your heart for His kingdom. Come prepared for a new day in your prayer life. (2 units)



TH  214  Intercessory Prayer

God answers prayer. Practically everybody agrees. Yet many things fall to the ground because the prayers of the saints are missing. Evil kingdoms can be brought down and godly ones built up through prayer. The Queen of Scotland once said that she feared the prayers of John Knox more than all the armies of the enemy. Praying Hyde and the intercessors in Britain changed the course of World War II through their intercessory prayers.

Furthermore, prayer is essential to protect Christian leaders and front-line workers, who often get “picked off” by the enemy due to lack of a prayer. And intercessory prayer is vital in healing, as even the American Medical Association reported in its journal. Come and learn how you can be a world changer through effective intercession. (2 units)



TH  217  How to Defend Your Faith

Peter says to sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you. (1 Pet. 3:15a). Yet we have all been “nailed” at times by articulate atheists or crafty cultists who frame their unbelieving questions in such a way that we’re at a loss as to how to answer. This course will prepare you for battle, for the typical, hackneyed arguments and baffling conundrums that will come your way from unbelievers. Your confidence will grow as you gain clear, concise answers to such questions, and the skill to guide the adversary to faith in Christ. (2 units)



TH  218  The Messiah

Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the centerpiece of all history, the “desire of all nations” (Hag. 2:7), has come. And He will soon come again, and from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty (Rev. 19:15). In this practical course you will learn the prophecies that He fulfilled so you can witness right out of the Old Testament. And you will learn how to know and present Him in power to the world today—the world that will soon witness His mighty return to rule and reign. An incredible course. (2 units)



TH  237  Christian History

Christianity continued to expand after the Book of Acts closed, but it also became increasingly institutional after the first century. By the year 500, all the freshness and spiritual power of the church in Acts had been thoroughly expunged and only a shell of formal religion seemed to be left.

The church entered the Middle Ages for the next 1,000 years, a period of relative dormancy spiritually, and often-corrupt institutionalism. Though there were a few lights here and there, darkness was commonplace. There is much we can learn from this season of the church’s history, to guide us away from the ruinous patterns that led to the loss of the vitality of the early church, and back to its freshness.

Peter said that heaven must receive [Jesus] until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time (Acts 3:21). With the Protestant Reformation all things began to be restored to the church, starting with basic issues, such as salvation by grace through faith, the Bible for everyone, the priesthood of all believers, and more. Beginning with Martin Luther 500 years ago, lost ground from the church in Acts has been steadily regained, until today we see nearly everything in the New Testament happening in the church around the world.

Now, with the vast expansion of the church worldwide—and fulfillment of the Great Commission in every people group on earth within reach—the church has entered its greatest moment, sensing the imminent return of her Lord. This course will take you through the great revivals right up to today, in the ongoing saga of the church of Jesus Christ. (6 units)



TH  238  Twentieth Century Revivals

Over half of all the people who have ever lived on the earth are alive today. And more than half of all the believers that have ever lived are alive right now. God moved more mightily in revivals in the 20th century more than ever before in history. You will be excited as you learn the things He has done in recent decades and is doing in the world today. Come take this course to build your faith and to learn how you can get into revival today! (2 units)



TH  239  Early American Revivals

The Pilgrims came to America, planted a cross on the shore, and asked God to found a nation from which the Gospel would go to the entire world. God honored their prayer and today, most of the one billion Christians in the world trace their heritage to missionaries from America. Indeed, America is far more religious than any other developed nation in the world. Why? As President Coolidge said, “America was born in a revival of religion.” God caused many miraculous revivals in the early days of this nation, and you will be thrilled as you see His mighty hand sweep across the nation time and again. Exciting stories; fantastic course. (2 units)



TH  240  Frontier Revivals & the Wild West

During the 1800s revival broke out like wildfire in America, especially on the frontier. The result was the formation of a Christian-based nation from which the Gospel went out to the whole world to such an extent that most of the people in heaven today, from all of human history, can trace their roots to the revivals that spread in the U.S. beginning in the 1800s and then kept on going around the world. You will catch the fire yourself in this course as you experience the mighty moves of God brought to life. Become a contagious carrier of the Gospel and spread the light. (2 units)



TH  247  The Powerful Holy Spirit

Throughout the book of Acts the Holy Spirit leads the way in the spread of the Gospel (Acts 1:8; 16:6-10). Today, He is still commander-in-chief of “God’s army,” the militant church of God engaged in evangelizing every creature in the world to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). He is the One who clothes believers with power from on high (Acts 1:8) and performs mighty acts to convince nonbelievers that Jesus is Lord.

Missionaries have long known the need for God to display Himself as more powerful than heathen gods in showdowns (Acts 13:5-12). But, today even “civilized” people are more concerned with power than truth, so that demonstrations of the power of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit are needed now more than ever. In this class you will learn how to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. (2 units)



TH  248  The Holy Spirit in Luke & Acts

God the Holy Spirit has consistently revealed Himself throughout the Old and New Testaments. The narratives of the third Gospel and the Book of Acts wonderfully demonstrate the ministry and activities of the Holy Spirit. Luke, the author of these two narratives also brings a rich history, unique perspective, and deep understanding of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Old Testament. We will be reading through the books of Luke and Acts, looking at some general themes common to both books, and giving special attention to the activities of the Holy Spirit. We will learn the setting of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We will see how His activities are the fulfillment of God’s promises and covenants in the Old Testament. We will discover the nature of the Holy Spirit as a member of the Triune God, and how Luke uses symbols to narrate the activities of God the Holy Spirit. Finally, we will consider Jesus’ mission and the church’s commission as the centerpiece of Luke and Acts. (2 units)



TH  258  How Christianity Changed the World

Why did the West pull ahead of the rest of the world by the end of the Middle Ages? Typical secular explanations cite the West’s superior geography, commerce, or technology. Completely overlooked is the fact that faith in reason, rooted in Christianity’s commitment to rational theology, made all these developments possible. Christianity and its related institutions are directly responsible for the most significant intellectual, political, scientific, and economic breakthroughs of the past thousand years. This sweeping, multifaceted survey will take you from the Old World to the New, from the past to the present, overturning along the way not only centuries of prejudiced scholarship but the anti-religious bias of our own time. What we most admire about our world—scientific progress, democratic rule, free commerce—is due to Christianity. Knowing these things will make witnessing easier because of the perspectives you’ll learn in this class. (2 units)



TH  262  Systematic Theology

The Bible is our rock of truth, the first and foremost source of information and revelation that God has given us in this world. Without it we would be at the mercy of everyone’s opinion vs. our own. Who could know truth? In the Bible God has given us all the foundational truth we need to know, from which we can reason out other issues not specifically covered in the Bible.

Systematic Theology is the study of all that God says in His Word about the most important areas of truth, such as the nature of God Himself, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, sin, salvation, heaven, hell, the church, prophecy, and so on. It takes each of the most important areas and outlines the teachings of the Bible on that doctrine. It is an unusually exciting course, because you suddenly see what the whole Bible teaches on each doctrine so clearly that it practically jumps out at you. You’ll grow in your faith and in your relationship with God as a result of taking this course, and your whole life will be better and more stable.

The subjects covered are Bibliology, Theology Proper, Christology, Pneumatology, Angelology, Demonology, Anthropology, Hamartiology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology. (6 units)



TH  264  God’s Characteristics (Attributes)

God is the most wonderful Person in the universe! To experience Him is to find everything you’ve ever wanted and more. Just one touch from Him fills you with joy and life in a way nothing else possibly can.

As a result, the enemy of our souls is busy creating lies about God, trying to get us to believe awful things about Him. But truth is more powerful. If you take this course, you will come to truly know God in a way you never dreamed possible. And as a result, many problems in your life will simply go away. Come for the blessing of your life! (4 units)



TH  306  The Second Coming of Christ

One day the trumpet will sound and the world as we know it will end. Jesus Christ will appear in the sky and every eye will see Him coming with great power and glory. The greatest event in history—coming soon to your world! Are you ready? Now is the time to get ready. This course will electrify you and prepare you for the most important day in your life and in history. Jesus Christ is coming again, this time as King of kings and Lord of lords. (2 units)



TH  317  The Truth Project

In a recent study, the Barna Research Group revealed a stunning statistic that continues to reverberate throughout the evangelical world: Only nine percent of professing Christians have a biblical worldview. Because of this, today’s believers live very similarly to non-believers. A personal sense of significance is rarely experienced, we spend our money and time on things that fail to satisfy, and we begin to wonder what life’s ultimate purpose really is. We are, in short, losing our bearings as a people and a nation. To counter this slide within the body of Christ, Focus on the Family has launched one of the most ambitious and powerful projects in the history of its ministry—The Truth Project. The Truth Project is a video-based, small group curriculum comprising 12 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. This study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life. (2 units)



TH  350  Biblical Typology—Connecting the Dots

A type (from the Greek word typos, meaning “impression, model, or image”) is a person, event, or institution in the redemptive history of the Old Testament that prefigures a corresponding but greater reality in the New Testament. In other words, type is a copy, pattern, or model that signifies a greater reality. The greater reality to which a type points, and in which it finds its fulfillment, is referred to as an antitype. For example, the Temple was a type, and Jesus Christ is the antitype, for Jesus referred to Himself as being greater than the Temple (Matt. 12:6. Further, Jesus is the greatest antitype of them all, and the entire Old Testament points to Him. After all, Jesus is the Word of God.

In this course, we will “connect the dots” between Old Testament types and New Testament antitypes. As we connect these dots, we will see an amazing and beautiful tapestry that God has put together to show us the fullness of His truth and revelation. In fact, understanding typology is a big key in understanding the Bible and God’s ways. We will learn how to understand and interpret these types, how they are fulfilled, and why they are so important for understanding the whole breadth and scope of God’s Word, from Genesis to Revelation. Let’s connect the dots together! (2 units)



TH  367  The Atonement

This course will thoroughly explain the reason for and the power behind the single source of both physical and inner healing today—the atoning sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and how full knowledge of that can lead to a freedom in Christ that you never dreamed possible.

We will study the atonement by focusing on the Cross and the nine exchanges that Jesus offers there. We will also examine the topic of deliverance and remove any fear of it, since it is a necessary phase of God’s transforming and renewing of our minds. Finally, you will enjoy the by-product of this atonement: Total freedom in becoming what God intended you to be in Christ! (2 units)



TH  382  Understanding Jesus’ Parables

A parable is a story which points out a moral lesson. Stories are extremely effective in communicating Biblical truths to a postmodern generation. The parables of Christ are the very Word of God given in everyday illustrations for that audience, such as farming, fishing, servanthood, people groups, shepherding, etc. However, they were only understandable to those who had eyes to see and ears to hear. No one was ever better than Jesus at getting through pretense to reality. In this course we will find the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven within the parables of Christ and be better prepared to live them out and share them with others. And, as Jesus promised to those of us who study these parables, we will have a rich abundance of His grace and wisdom. We will examine 22 parables in five categories: parables of the kingdom, parables of salvation, parables of wisdom and folly, parables of the Christian life, and parables of judgment. (2 units)



TH  419  How to Handle the Cults

We live in an age of unprecedented openness to the gospel. Hunger for spiritual reality has never been greater. Yet pseudo-Christian cults often get to the hungry people first. These cults claim to follow the Bible, but in reality deny salvation through the Cross of Jesus Christ alone, substituting instead salvation through their group and activities or works. So what do you do when people you know get into one of these groups? How do you witness to people who are in the cults? These and many other questions are answered in this practical course, preparing you for the encounters you are sure to have. (2 units)



TH  424  Understanding World Religions

Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and other world religions are rapidly increasing in the United States and are on the verge of flexing their muscles in a way that will shock traditional American Christians. What is the attraction of these groups? How can we relate to each of them? How do we handle people caught in their web? This class will look at the beliefs and practices of each of the major religions with an emphasis on strategies for winning them to Christ. (2 units)



TH  430  Understanding Islam

Since 9/11 Islam has been one of the hottest topics in the world. And rightfully so. Islam and Christianity are locked in mortal combat for the human race. We can no longer ignore Islam, but must understand it if we are going to effectively reach these people and the ones they are evangelizing. This course will be a shocker and an eye-opener. Very informative. Don’t miss it! (2 units)



TH  434  The Kingdom of God

A common thread throughout the Scripture is the reign of God over all His creation, often referred to as the kingdom of God. It is both present and future, earthly and heavenly, personal and corporate, total and yet disputed. We are in a battle to bring the reality of God’s rule into the lives of people and of society, for Christ taught us to pray, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:10).

Understanding the kingdom of God will help us bring its reality to the streets and neighborhoods of the city, pushing back the kingdom of darkness that reigns there in so many ways today. This is a strategic course in taking our cities for Christ. (2 units)



TH  439  Spiritual Warfare

The Bible teaches that we are engaged in spiritual warfare. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12). It also says that though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses (2 Cor. 10:3-4).

To bring down the fortresses or “strongholds” of the city (crime, drugs, violence, poverty, discrimination, demonic control, abuse, and so on) requires adeptness in spiritual warfare, not just social and spiritual programs. This course will teach the basics of effectively engaging the enemy in spiritual warfare and prevailing. (2 units)



TH  440  Demonology

Studying demonology will help us understand and discover the strategies that Satan and his demons use against Christians. We know that Satan has always used various schemes to hinder Christians and halt the advance of the kingdom of God. Paul says this in 2 Corinthians 2:11, so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes. And 1 Peter 5:8-9 says, Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.

Scripture says we have a very dangerous enemy who is plotting new ways to stop us every day and to make us think we cannot prevail against him. However, God tells us in His Word that even if we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we should not fear evil because He is with us (Psalm 23:4). In this course you will learn how to recognize the work of the enemy and use biblical resources to overcome it.



TH  454  Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

This course will present the biblical perspective of God’s abiding purpose that His people participate with Him in bringing His redemptive rule to all peoples of the earth. It will present the historical perspective of the progress and continuity of the Christian movement in world history; the cultural perspective on crucial issues of cross-cultural communication and service; and finally, the strategic perspective on understanding an overall strategy of reaching the world’s unreached through evangelism, church planting, relief, development, going, sending, and prayer. (2 units)



TH  459  Challenge of Islam

Islam today claims over one billion adherents. Every one of them is a person for whom Jesus died on the Cross. Islam denies that salvation comes through Jesus, and yet Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me (John 14:6). This means that God, Who is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9) wants us to win them to Christ, lest they be lost for eternity. On top of that, Islam believes that it is its mission to wipe out Christianity, even if violence is required. This course will consider the dual challenge of winning Muslims to Christ, and facing the determination of Islam to take over the world. (2 units)



TH  476  Rethinking Missions in the 21st Century

It’s time to rethink how we do missions. God created every person and every ethnic group in the world. Missions is not about spreading a religion but rather bringing the kingdom of God into every group of people in the world. Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You (Psalm 67:3). Jesus taught us to pray, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). When we approach missions as bringing the kingdom of God into each group or person we evangelize powerful things begin to happen. (2 units)



TH  485  Pauline Theology

Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 1:1-3).

Pauline Theology is the study of the life and doctrine of the apostle Paul, the writer of 13 books of the New Testament and the one who said, Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ (1 Cor. 11:1). As we look at the life and doctrine of the Apostle Paul, we will spend time properly interpreting his teachings and understanding how they fit into theology as a whole. We will then ask some serious questions about how these things apply to our lives. Theology is not just something we learn, it is something we live! (2 units)



TH  505  God the Father (Theology Proper)

Theology Proper, sometimes called Paterology (which means the study of the Father), is the area of Christian theology that investigates what the Bible teaches regarding God the Father. This course is an in-depth study of the person of God the Father, His existence, His attributes, and His works, from the Bible and the creation. Very refreshing. (2 units)



TH  510  Christology

Jesus Christ, the greatest person who has ever lived. More books and songs have been written about Him than anyone in history—by far. This course is a complete study of Jesus Christ: His person and His work as the Messiah, the Anointed One. An exciting course. (2 units)



TH  515  Pneumatology

As you may have noticed in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is the power of the Church and the Christian life (Acts 1:8). In fact, Jesus said it was actually better that He leave us and return to heaven so we could have the Holy Spirit! This course is a thorough study of the person and work of God the Holy Spirit with a special emphasis on His ministry from the New Testament era onward. (2 units)



TH  517  Soteriology—Doctrine of Salvation

In this course we will look at the biblical teachings on foreknowledge, predestination, faith, grace, election, calling, regeneration, conversion, justification, adoption, sanctification, baptism, perseverance, glorification, and more.

We will talk about sin and how God delivers us, how He sees us, and what happens to a person when they are saved.

Some of the biggest questions that typically arise in this class are: Can you lose your salvation? Does God choose some people for heaven and some people for hell? How can I know if I am truly born again? How were people saved before Jesus came? What happens to someone if they never hear the gospel? What is true repentance? What does it really mean to be a child of God? What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? How do I grow in my faith? Will I sin less and less as I mature in Christ? How do I really walk in holiness? Can someone be saved by their good works? What really gets someone into heaven? Why do I keep doubting my salvation? How can I have assurance? We will look deeply at these subjects, get a biblical understanding on what they mean, and apply them to our everyday lives. (2 units)



TH  518  Hamartiology

Hamartiology deals with how sin originated, how it affects humanity, and what it will result in after death. To sin essentially means to “miss the mark.” We all miss God’s mark of righteousness (Rom. 3:23). Hamartiology, then, explains why we miss the mark, how we miss the mark, and the consequences of missing the mark. Some important questions in Hamartiology are: What is the definition of sin? Did we all inherit sin from Adam and Eve? Are all sins equal to God? How can I know if something is a sin? How do we overcome temptation and sin?

Before we can understand salvation, we must first understand why we need salvation. That is where Hamartiology comes in. It explains that we are all sinners. It shows us why God must condemn us for our sins. Hamartiology points to the solution for sin—the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. When we truly come to grips with our sinful natures, we begin to fathom the depth and breadth of the nature of our great God who, on the one hand, condemns sinners to hell in righteous judgment, then, on the other hand, satisfies His own requirement for perfection through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. Only when we understand the depth of sin can we understand the height of God’s love for sinners. (2 units)



TH  522  Bibliology—The Doctrine of the Word of God

Bibliology helps us understand what the Bible is and shows us why it is truly God’s Word. God has spoken to us and shown His will to us through His written Word. By the end of this course we will all have a greater appreciation for the Bible, a greater confidence and trust in God’s Word, and a greater love and understanding of God Himself, for the Bible is truly God’s love letter to us! Here is what we will study.

The Canon of Scripture: What belongs in the Bible and what does not belong? How do we know that what we have today is the actual Canon of Scripture? The Authority of Scripture: Is the Bible God’s Word? How do we know? (We will look at manuscript evidence, copyist practices, oral culture, internal and external evidence, the science of textual criticism, archaeological confirmation, Dead Sea Scrolls, and prophetic fulfillment). The Inerrancy of Scripture: Is the Bible really without error? The Clarity of Scripture: Can the Bible be understood by all believers? The Necessity of Scripture: For what purpose is the Bible necessary? Can someone know God without His Word? The Sufficiency of Scripture: Is the Bible enough for knowing what God wants us to think and do? Bible Translations: Which ones are the most accurate? The Interpretation of Scripture: How do we properly interpret the Bible? (2 units)



TH  525  Ecclesiology—Doctrine of the Church

The church is the community of all true believers for all time, and God gave Jesus as head over all things to the church (Eph. 1:22). The church is so precious to Jesus that He calls it His “bride” and so very much bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh that He calls it His “body.” For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church (Eph. 5:31-32). The church is made of all those who are saved. Jesus said, I will build My church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18). The church that Jesus will build and protect is the fullness of Him who fills all in all (Eph. 1:23).

Ecclesiology is the branch of systematic theology where we study the Church of Jesus Christ in all its detail. In this course we will be looking in depth at the following aspects of the Church: What is necessary to make a local church? How can we recognize a true church? What is the purpose and function of the church? How can we have unity in the church? What makes a church that is pleasing in God’s sight? How should church discipline function? What kind of authority does the church have? How should a church be governed? What are the offices or leadership roles in the church? What are the different activities in the life of the church? Why is church attendance and participation important for every believer? What is the meaning of baptism? What is the meaning of the Lord’s Supper and how should it be observed? What is worship and how should we worship in the church? What do the Bible, church history and the Church Fathers teach us about how church should function today? (2 units)



TH  527  Eschatology—Unraveling the End Times

End Times Prophecy, the Signs of the End, the Rapture, the Antichrist, the Apostasy, the False Prophet, the One World Order, the Abomination of Desolation, the Great Tribulation, the 144,000, the End Times Babylon, the Last Days Martyrs, the Second Coming of Christ, the Millennium, the Lake of Fire, the Great White Throne Judgment, the Lamb’s Book of Life, the New Jerusalem . . . and where does America fit into all this, if at all? Where do you fit in? Shouldn’t we just be doing the work of ministry and not worry about all this? Is it just symbolic or literal? Will we be here during the Tribulation period? Didn’t a lot of this already happen in the first century? Where are we in the prophet timetable? Hasn’t every generation before us thought they were going to see all of this? Where does the church fit into all of this? How about our Jewish friends? Can I really figure all this out or is it just meant to be difficult to understand?

We’ll tie together the Old Testament Prophets with the words of Jesus, Paul, Peter, and John to unravel each piece. When the class is over you will have clarified what you understand and solidified what you believe, and that belief will empower you and take you to a new level of ministry and zeal for what is coming soon. May God get all the glory. (2 units)



TH  536  Theology of Church Growth

A study of the theological foundations of church growth theory, along with a critique of the (often pragmatic) practice of growth methods among churches today. (2 units)



TH  545  Supernatural Phenomena in the City

Many recalcitrant urban problems, as well as most of the “points of light,” involve unseen forces. This course delves into issues of discerning and appropriately responding to such forces. (2 units)

Requirements for Admission

Each applicant must be a born-again Christian who is seeking to live a Christlike life, separate from sin and worldliness. He or she must maintain an approved Christian character, plus a willingness to do all work requiredand a willingness to submit cheerfully to the discipline and regulations of the university.

A high school diploma is recommended, but not mandatory, as long as a student can do university-level work. Master’s and Doctoral programs have additional criteria for admission. See those sections of this catalog for specifics.

How to Apply

To apply, simply fill out an application form and submit it to the university office. If you have attended any other colleges or universities, request that each one send a copy of your transcript to the Registrar here at Harvest.


Once your complete application is received in the university office, you will be notified within one week whether you have been accepted into the university program.


To register for the courses of your choice, ask for a course enrollment sheet from the university office. They will assist you in choosing classes and listing them on the form. Turn your completed registration form to the Office, along with payment, to secure your classes.

Start Application… Go to Application form.

Requirements for Admission

Each applicant must be a born-again Christian who is seeking to live a Christlike life, separate from sin and worldliness. He or she must maintain an approved Christian character, plus a willingness to do all work required, and a willingness to submit cheerfully to the discipline and regulations of the university.

A high school diploma is recommended, but not mandatory, as long as a student can do university-level work. Master’s and Doctoral programs have additional criteria for admission. See those sections of this catalog for specifics.

How to Apply

To apply, simply fill out an application form and submit it to the university office. If you have attended any other colleges or universities, request that each one send a copy of your transcript to the Registrar here at Harvest.


Once your complete application is received in the university office, you will be notified within one week whether you have been accepted into the university program.


To register for the courses of your choice, ask for a course enrollment sheet from the university office. They will assist you in choosing classes and listing them on the form. Turn your completed registration form to the Office, along with payment, to secure your classes.

Start Application… Go to Application form.

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Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed,
handling accurately the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15).


Course Descriptions

MONDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) TH525 Ecclesiology – The Doctrine of the Church – Dr. Paul Buono

The church is the community of all true believers for all time. The church is so precious to Jesus that He calls her His “bride” and so very much bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh that He calls it His “body.” “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” (Eph. 5:31-32) The church is made of all those who are saved. Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). The church that Jesus will build and protect is “the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Eph. 1:22-23).

Ecclesiology is the branch of systematic theology where we study the church of Jesus Christ in all its detail. In this course we will be looking in depth at the following aspects of the church: What is necessary to make a church? How can we recognize a true church? What is the purpose and function of the church? How can we have unity in the church? What makes a church that is pleasing in God’s sight? How should church discipline function? What kind of authority does the church have? How should a church be governed? What are the offices or leadership roles in the church? What are the different activities in the life of the church? Why is church attendance and participation important for every believer? What is the meaning of baptism? What is the meaning of the Lord’s Supper and how should it be observed? What is worship and how should we worship in the church? What does the Bible, church history and the church fathers teach us about how church should function today?

MONDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) CD121 Character Development– Overcoming Temptation – Dr. Bob Carter

We all face temptations, and we all have certain temptations that we wonder if we’ll ever conquer permanently. This course in character will look at temptation in a new way that will help you get over the things that are keeping you from the abundant life God planned for you. This is not a shame-based approach, nor a guilt- nor condemnation- nor fear-based approach. Rather, it is a whole new way of looking at sin and temptation that will help set you free.

Character Development is a series of courses on the most important quality of a Christian: Christlike character. It’s the very opposite of the hypocrisy Jesus condemned in the religious leaders of His day. God wants us to walk in victory and become like His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). Learning all about the Lord and the Bible is great. Learning to minister in power is wonderful. But if we do not develop His character we will eventually get shot down by the world, the flesh, or the devil. God has definite steps to achieve victory in each area of our lives and the twelve Character Development courses are where you’ll learn them.

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TUESDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) CD360 Spiritual Disciplines – Dr. Clement Muwele

Sin as a condition works its way out through the “bodily members,” that is, the ingrained habits of the body (Romans 7:5). And there is no slavery that can compare to the slavery of ingrained habits of sin. Sin is part of the internal structure of our lives. No special effort is needed to produce it. No wonder we feel trapped.

Our ordinary method of dealing with ingrained sin is to launch a frontal attack. We rely on willpower and determination. Whatever the issue for us – anger, fear, bitterness, gluttony, pride, lust, substance abuse – we determine never to do it again; we pray against it, set our will against it. But the struggle is often in vain. What we must have is “an inside job,” an inner transformation. It is by God’s grace that we win our battle against evil.

God has given us the Disciplines of the spiritual life as a means of receiving His grace. The Disciplines allow us to place ourselves before God so that He can transform us. In this course, we will learn about the Spiritual Disciplines from the Scriptures and practice them in the classroom. You will have an opportunity to both learn about and put into practice these treasures from God. Will you join me in this exciting quest?

TUESDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) The Very Flame of Yahweh: in Song of Solomon – Sam Cerny

The phrase “the song of songs, which is Solomon’s” is a Hebraic way of saying that this is the greatest song of all songs ever written, yet why is it so unique? On the surface it depicts a maturing love relationship between King Solomon and a young maiden, yet on a deeper level it reflects the Lord’s desire for greater intimacy with His people. God’s aim is to restore the first commandment to first place in our lives, which is to love Him with all of our heart. Yet how is wholehearted love for Him cultivated and grown? How are obstacles to intimacy with Him removed? How do we relate with God like He originally intended in the Garden of Eden? Answers to those questions can be found in the Song of Solomon, and during this course we’ll be studying the Song and learning its incredible promises, principles, and practical steps for both human and divine relationships.

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WEDNESDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) Aligning with God’s End Times Purposes – Dr. Tracy & Terry Totten

We will be studying the scriptures concerning the End Times in the words of Jesus found in Matthew 24–25 and in the gospels of Luke and Mark. Jesus said these times will be marked with deception, wars, famine, earthquakes, Christian persecution and rising lawlessness. These are the beginning of birth pangs. Among Christians he prophesied there would be betrayal, hatred, false prophets and cold-heartedness because of lawlessness.

Yet in all this, Gods’ people will prosper in these times of darkness and His light on the church will shine the brightest, as it says in Isaiah 60:1-2: “Those who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32).

This class is meant to give us understanding of what we are entering into and to receive God’s provision for becoming the overcoming church. We are headed towards the greatest times of seeing God’s power and Spirit poured out on the church and the greatest world harvest the church has seen. Are you ready?

WEDNESDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) BI223 The Gospel of Luke & The Cross of Christ – Dr. Steve Krantz

In Luke 9:21, Jesus informed his disciples, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed and be raised up on the third day.” According to Luke 9:45, “The disciples did not understand any of this.” Centuries later many people still don’t understand the cross of Jesus. Either it doesn’t make sense to them, or they think it was some kind of a tragic mistake. The Gospel records do not present Jesus as an unfortunate victim of the cross. Through the cross, Christ triumphed over death, made righteous the most vile of sinners, cancelled our debt, reconciled us to God, secured for us new life, triumphed over the demonic principalities and powers which oppressed us, and freed us from bondage to sin. Through the cross, Jesus transformed the most repulsive of objects into a symbol of victory and hope. In this course, you will grasp the meaning of the cross and experience its power in your daily life. You will learn what Paul experienced when he wrote, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ living in me; and the life I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave His life for me” (Galatians 2:20).

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Saturday Seminar – To be announced

A one-day seminar on a Saturday, 10AM–4PM. Date and topic to be announced.

Evangelism – Faculty

The word “evangelism” means taking the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ to other people. Jesus came to preach the gospel to the poor, and He is still doing that today through us, because we are His body (1 Corinthians 12:27). How do we learn to evangelize? Mainly by doing it. This is a “field experience” course, which involves witnessing for at least one and a half hours a week, turning in weekly lists of the people witnessed to, reading a missionary book (supplied) and writing five pages of notes on it.

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