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Winter Quarter • January 4 – March 18, 2016
You may take any course and take as many courses as you like. Choose either the full credit course or to audit a course.
(Auditing means you can register and attend the course without any requirements. No university credit is earned.)
Monday 6:40 – 8:05 pm
Ecclesiology – The Doctrine of the Church • Instructed by Dr. Paul Buono (2 Units)
The church is the community of all true believers for all time. The church is so precious to Jesus that He calls her His “bride” and so very much bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh that He calls it His “body.” “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” (Eph. 5:31-32) The church is made of all those who are saved. Jesus said, “I will build My church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). The church that Jesus will build and protect is “the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Eph. 1:22-23).
Ecclesiology is the branch of systematic theology where we study the church of Jesus Christ in all its detail. In this course we will be looking in depth at the following aspects of the church: What is necessary to make a church? How can we recognize a true church? What is the purpose and function of the church? How can we have unity in the church? What makes a church that is pleasing in God’s sight? How should church discipline function? What kind of authority does the church have? How should a church be governed? What are the offices or leadership roles in the church? What are the different activities in the life of the church? Why is church attendance and participation important for every believer? What is the meaning of baptism? What is the meaning of the Lord’s Supper and how should it be observed? What is worship and how should we worship in the church? What does the Bible, church history and the church fathers teach us about how church should function today?
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Monday 8:25 – 10:00 pm
Character Development – Overcoming Temptation • Instructed by Dr. Bob Carter (2 Units)
We all face temptations, and we all have certain temptations that we wonder if we’ll ever conquer permanently. This course in character will look at temptation in a new way that will help you get over the things that are keeping you from the abundant life God planned for you. This is not a shame-based approach, nor a guilt- nor condemnation- nor fear-based approach. Rather, it is a whole new way of looking at sin and temptation that will help set you free.
Character Development is a series of courses on the most important quality of a Christian: Christlike character. It’s the very opposite of the hypocrisy Jesus condemned in the religious leaders of His day. God wants us to walk in victory and become like His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). Learning all about the Lord and the Bible is great. Learning to minister in power is wonderful. But if we do not develop His character we will eventually get shot down by the world, the flesh, or the devil. God has definite steps to achieve victory in each area of our lives and the twelve Character Development courses are where you’ll learn them.
Tuesday 6:40 – 8:05 pm
Spiritual Disciplines • Instructed by Dr. Clement Muwele (2 Units)
Sin as a condition works its way out through the “bodily members,” that is, the ingrained habits of the body (Romans 7:5). And there is no slavery that can compare to the slavery of ingrained habits of sin. Sin is part of the internal structure of our lives. No special effort is needed to produce it. No wonder we feel trapped.
Our ordinary method of dealing with ingrained sin is to launch a frontal attack. We rely on willpower and determination. Whatever the issue for us – anger, fear, bitterness, gluttony, pride, lust, substance abuse – we determine never to do it again; we pray against it, set our will against it. But the struggle is often in vain. What we must have is “an inside job,” an inner transformation. It is by God’s grace that we win our battle against evil.
God has given us the Disciplines of the spiritual life as a means of receiving His grace. The Disciplines allow us to place ourselves before God so that He can transform us. In this course, we will learn about the Spiritual Disciplines from the Scriptures and practice them in the classroom. You will have an opportunity to both learn about and put into practice these treasures from God. Will you join me in this exciting quest?
Tuesday 8:25 – 10:00 pm
The Very Flame of Yahweh: in Song of Solomon • Instructed by Sam Cerny (2 Units)
The phrase “the song of songs, which is Solomon’s” is a Hebraic way of saying that this is the greatest song of all songs ever written, yet why is it so unique? On the surface it depicts a maturing love relationship between King Solomon and a young maiden, yet on a deeper level it reflects the Lord’s desire for greater intimacy with His people. God’s aim is to restore the first commandment to first place in our lives, which is to love Him with all of our heart. Yet how is wholehearted love for Him cultivated and grown? How are obstacles to intimacy with Him removed? How do we relate with God like He originally intended in the Garden of Eden? Answers to those questions can be found in the Song of Solomon, and during this course we’ll be studying the Song and learning its incredible promises, principles, and practical steps for both human and divine relationships.
Spring Quarter • March 28 – June 10, 2016
INSTRUCTIONS – To select a course click on “? Choose Full Credit“ or “? Choose Audit Only” to enroll in each course you would like to select. Your selections will appear to the right of the course list. You may take any course and take as many courses as you like. Choose either the full credit course or the audit only course for any one course. After you complete your selections click the “next” button at the bottom of the selected course list at the right of the page. To remove a course from your selected courses click on the red X on the course you want to remove in the list at the right of the page.
(Auditing means you can register and attend the course without any requirements. No university credit is earned.)
Monday 6:40 – 8:05 pm
Systematic Theology in the Gospels – the Foundation of Our Faith – Paul Buono – English – 2 units – Lounge
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Desarrollo del Carácter – de Acuerdo a Jesús – Peter Dean – Español – 2 unidades – Library
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Monday 8:25 – 10:00 pm
Character Development – Motivational Gifts – Bob Carter – English – 2 units – Lounge
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Apocalipsis – Luis Lemus – Español – 2 unidades – Library
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Tuesday 6:40 – 8:05 pm
How to Defend Your Faith – Clement Muwele – English – 2 units – Library
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El Ministerio de Sanidad y Liberación – Moisés Lecca – Español – 2 unidades – Lounge
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Tuesday 8:25 – 10:00 pm
The Apostle Paul, Prayer and Spiritual Warfare – Sam Cerny – English – 2 – Library
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El Poderoso Espíritu Santo – Ivan Galdamez – Español – 2 unidades – Lounge
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Wednesday 6:40 – 8:05 pm
Peter, the Amazing Disciple – Tracy & Terry Totten – English – 2 units – Library
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El Poder de la Oración – Antonio Matute – Español – 2 unidades – Lounge
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Wednesday 8:25 – 10:00 pm
The Word of God as Your Shield & Arrows of the Spirit – Billy Roe – English – 2 units – Library
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Consejería Pastoral – III – José Francia – Español – 2 unidades – Lounge
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Saturday Seminars (One Saturday, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm)
How to Plant and Multiply Churches (May 7) – Rick Clark – English – 2 units – Lounge
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Evangelismo con Poder (21 de Mayo) – Emilio Meza – Español – 2 unidades – Lounge
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Field Experience (Any Day) Evangelism
ANY DAY – Evangelism – Field Experience
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Course Descriptions
MONDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) Systematic Theology in the Gospels – the Foundation of Our Faith – Paul Buono
Systematic theology is a discipline of Christian theology that formulates an orderly, rational, and coherent account of the Christian faith and beliefs. Oftentimes, we look to the epistles in the New Testament to teach us these truths. What we often forget is that the very foundation of our beliefs are rooted in the teachings of Jesus Himself in the gospels. If we do not understand what Jesus says about theology, then it would be like building a house without a foundation on it. What we soon find is that the teachings on theology that Paul, Peter, John, and the others give us in the epistles are really a further elaboration on the core teaching of Christ. So, Jesus lays the foundation of theology and the Apostles built the house upon that truth. We will we exploring and discussing what Jesus taught on these 9 branches of Systematic Theology: Bibliology – the study of the Bible, Theology Proper – the study of the doctrine of God, Christology – the study of Jesus, Pneumatology – the study of the Holy Spirit, Anthropology – the study of humanity, Soteriology – the study of Salvation, Ecclesiology – the study of the Church, Eschatology – the study of last things or end times, Angelology – the study of the angelic beings. Please join us!
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MONDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) Character Development – Motivational Gifts – Bob Carter
God has created you a unique person who can accomplish things no one else on earth can. When you find out how to tap into the hidden power of your spiritual gifts you will become a world-changer–and a happier and more fulfilled person. This class will present gifts in a new and more powerful way than you’ve ever heard before. Come and be changed and empowered for life!
Character Development is a series of courses on the most important quality of a Christian: Christlike character. It’s the very opposite of the hypocrisy Jesus condemned in the religious leaders of His day. God wants us to walk in victory and become like His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). Learning all about the Lord and the Bible is great. Learning to minister in power is wonderful. But if we do not develop His character we will eventually get shot down by the world, the flesh, or the devil. God has definite steps to achieve victory in each area of our lives and the twelve Character Development courses are where you’ll learn them.
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TUESDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) How to Defend Your Faith – Clement Muwele
Peter says to sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you. (1 Pet. 3:15a). Yet we have all been “nailed” at times by articulate atheists or crafty cultists who frame their unbelieving questions in such a way that we’re at a loss as to how to answer. This course will prepare you for battle, for the typical, hackneyed arguments and baffling conundrums that will come your way from unbelievers. Your confidence will grow as you gain clear, concise answers to such questions, and the skill to guide the adversary to faith in Christ.
TUESDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) The Apostle Paul, Prayer and Spiritual Warfare – Sam Cerny
As he faced profound spiritual opposition, Paul appealed to the church, “Join me in my struggle by praying to God for me,” (Rom. 15:30) and this appeal is as relevant today as it was then. If the church is going to evangelize the nations and see justice established on the earth, then she must return to the prevailing prayer that Paul exemplified in his epistles. She must recover the fierce faith of Paul’s frontal attacks against the forces of darkness that kept souls bound in the most desperate spiritual and physical captivity. She must return to a wrestling and throwing down of spiritual adversaries in the hardest, darkest places of the planet. In the Pauline epistles we find a blueprint for the house of prayer that Jesus is building, a house that will contend against every other house that seeks to exalt itself above the lordship and supremacy of Christ. In this class we will study the teachings, theological foundations and practical applications of prayer and spiritual warfare found in Paul’s letters.
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WEDNESDAY (6:40- 8:05 pm) Peter, the Amazing Disciple – Tracy & Terry Totten
Peter is a living and breathing example of how to mature in Christ. His process of transformation from Fisherman to an Effective Leader and Scholar should encourage every believer. Growing in your relationship with Christ and maturing in your faith is God’s will for all of us. As we partner with the Holy Spirit, our pathway to this maturity brings the abundant life we are called to live.
WEDNESDAY (8:25 – 10:00 pm) The Word of God as Your Shield & Arrows of the Spirit – Billy Roe
In this class you will go on an exciting, Spirit-led journey back to the original meaning of Exodus using the inductive Bible study method. You will also learn from other students as we all share insights together. We’ll see what the commentaries have to say. And everything will be applicable to your life today. Your daily time with the Lord, your “quiet time,” will come alive as you experience God’s presence, His plan, His promise, and His words to you. This is not primarily an academic class with lots of papers, tests, etc., but rather a personal awakening to God speaking with you from His Word by His Spirit in a way you never dreamed possible before, as you experience His love, His guidance and His direction. Come and join this exciting journey.
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SATURDAY, MAY 7, (10 am – 4 pm) Seminar – How to Plant and Multiply Churches – Rick Clark
A church planting movement is where someone starts a simple church that quickly multiplies to 10, then 100, then 500 or 1,000 simple churches in a short time. Church planting movements are springing up all over the world. As Jesus’ return nears, God seems to be accelerating the last days’ harvest in China, India, the Muslim world and even in the United States. This seminar surveys CPMs around the world and focuses on the key components and strategies that can start a church planting movement in America. By attending this seminar you will learn how to • Become a dynamic disciple • Lead many people to Christ who quickly win others • Multiply simple churches • Train reproducing leaders • Start a church planting movement.
Evangelism – Faculty (2 units)
The word “evangelism” means taking the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ to other people. Jesus came to preach the gospel to the poor, and He is still doing that today through us, because we are His body (1 Corinthians 12:27). How do we learn to evangelize? Mainly by doing it. This is a “field experience” course, which involves witnessing for at least one and a half hours a week, turning in weekly lists of the people witnessed to, reading a missionary book (supplied) and writing five pages of notes on it.
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Descripciones de los Cursos
LUNES (6:40- 8:05 pm) Desarrollo del Carácter – de Acuerdo a Jesús – Rev. Peter Dean
El factor céntrico de la Cristiandad es el Señor Jesucristo. La Biblia dice que la voluntad perfecta de Dios es que cada uno de nosotros desarrollemos el carácter de Su Hijo, Jesucristo (Romanos 8:28–29). Cuando Jesús anduvo en la tierra, El constantemente predicaba del carácter divino, y regularmente condenaba a los religiosos hipócritas, cuyo carácter no era como el de Cristo. Un carácter divino es la cualidad más importante del Cristiano. Este curso difiere completamente en comparación a cursos seculares que llevan el mismo nombre.
El aprender todo acerca del Señor y la Biblia es estupendo. Aprender a ministrar con poder es fenomenal. Ahora bien, si no desarrollamos el carácter de Cristo en nuestras vidas, eventualmente terminaremos acabados por el mundo, la carne o el diablo. Dios tiene pasos definidos en la Biblia para alcanzar la victoria en cada área de nuestras vidas y en este curso de Desarrollo del Carácter tú los aprenderás. Este curso es uno de los más emocionantes de la universidad entera, es un transformador de vidas que definitivamente no olvidarás.
LUNES (8:25 – 10:00 pm) Apocalipsis – Rev. Luis Lemus
El libro de Apocalipsis, el último libro del Nuevo Testamento, es un libro fascinante y a la vez desconcertante. Es el único libro en la Biblia que promete una bendición a aquellos que lo leen (Apoc. 1:3). Es un libro que también tiene mucho que decirnos hoy en día. Escrito para alentar a Cristianos amenazados por la persecución, nos muestra los sucesos de este mundo desde el punto de vista de Dios. Detrás de las vívidas imágenes del escrito de Juan hay una poderosa descripción de la naturaleza de Cristo y el trabajo del Espíritu Santo. Este es un libro el cual le habla fuertemente a la iglesia de hoy.
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MARTES (6:40–8:05 PM) El Ministerio de Sanidad y Liberación – Dr. Moisés Lecca
Mucho del ministerio de Jesús sobre la tierra fue el de sanar y liberar, lleno de compasión por los afligidos por enfermedades y demonios (Marcos 1:40-42). Es una especialidad del Mesías (Lucas 7:18-23). Este curso le enseñará la habilidad de Dios por sanar y liberar, de una manera cuidadosa.
MARTES (8:25 – 10:00 pm) El Poderoso Espíritu Santo – Rev. Ivan Galdamez
En el Libro de los Hechos, el Espíritu Santo guía el camino del evangelio (Hechos 1:8; 16:6–10). Hoy, El es el comandante del “ejército de Dios,” la iglesia militante de Dios comprometida a evangelizar a toda criatura en el mundo en cumplimiento de la Gran Comisión del Señor (Mateo 28:18–20). El es el que reviste a los creyentes con poder de lo alto (Hechos 1:8); y ejecuta actos poderosos para convencer a los no creyentes de que Jesús es el Señor. Los misioneros han sabido la necesidad que existe de que Dios se muestre como un Dios más poderoso que los dioses paganos de exhibición (Hechos 13:5–12). Pero hoy, con el rápido incremento de la violación de la ley y la ambición de la gente por obtener más poder que verdad, las demostraciones del poder de Jesucristo por medio del Espíritu Santo son ahora más necesarias que nunca. En esta clase usted aprenderá cómo ministrar en el poder del Espíritu Santo.
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MIÉRCOLES (6:40- 8:05 pm) El Poder de la Oración – Rev. Antonio Matute
¿Cómo está tu vida de oración? ¿Cómo te sientes acerca de tu habilidad para obtener respuestas en la oración? En el siglo 21 Dios está enfatizando la oración de una manera sin precedentes. En iglesias alrededor del mundo la gente está redescubriendo el poder de la oración para comunicarse con Dios y lograr hacer su obra (Marcos 11:23–24). Este curso cambiará tu vida y traerá la visión que Dios ha puesto en tu corazón para su reino. Ven preparado para un nuevo día en tu vida.
MIÉRCOLES (8:25–10:00 pm) Consejería Pastoral – III – Rev. José Francia
Este curso es de principios y reglas para el consejero cristiano. Aprenderemos sencillos métodos y conocimientos básicos de la consejería, los que serán plenamente aplicables en nuestras congregaciones. Lo importante del curso es que es basado en las sagradas escrituras y no contradice en absoluto sus principios y a la vez podremos tener el acceso a principios básicos de la consejería profesional que no riñen con nuestras convicciones.
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SÁBADO (21 de Mayo, 10 am – 4 pm) Evangelism con Poder – Emilio Meza
La tarea de evangelizar es para todo hijo/a de Dios (Mateo 28:18-20) y para esto necesitamos el poder sobrenatural de Dios actuando en nuestras vidas, y un plan de acción – siempre dependiendo de la autoridad que Cristo nos da, y siendo sabios cómo y cuándo aprovechar las oportunidades, en que tiempo debemos hablar y cuando debemos callar, que herramientas usar para ser más efectivos, que método es el más apropiado y forma de acercamiento a la persona que queremos alcanzar para Cristo. El Pastor Emilio Meza Jr. se ha dedicado por mas de 20 años a este Ministerio de Evangelismo a tiempo completo. Es Coordinador General de la Asociación Evangelística Alberto Mottesi, Evangelista Asociado y Maestro de la Escuela de Evangelistas, y también ha enseñado aquí en Harvest Bible University. Con toda su experiencia en este ministerio, el hermano Meza nos va mostrar que el evangelismo si es un Ministerio Para Todos!
Evangelismo – Facultad
La palabra “evangelismo” significa llevar las Buenas Nuevas de salvación a través de Jesucristo a otras personas. Jesús vino para predicar el evangelio a los pobres, y Él continua haciéndolo hasta el día de hoy a través de nuestras bocas, ya que nosotros somos Su Cuerpo (1 Cor. 12:27). Cómo podremos aprender a evangelizar? Primeramente, haciéndolo! Esta clase es un “campo para experimentar.” Cada estudiante establece un programa de evangelismo semanal, regularmente realizado en su propia iglesia, entonces viene al director de la Universidad para trabajar bajo un plan supervisado.